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Joseph & the Coat of Many Colors Lesson Set

Summary of Workshops in this lesson set:

  • Art: create a windsock of many colors. (We call this workshop our "Creation Station.")
  • Cooking - Younger kids: A jealousy object lesson: some kids get better snacks than others.
  • Video
    • Younger kids: Uses the video The Beginner’s Bible, The Story of Joseph and His Brothers.
    • Older kids: Uses the video Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat from Universal Studios.
  • Drama - have been moved to Drama Topic
    • Younger kids: Yeah/Boo melodrama.
    • Older kids: Bible times news report.
  • Computer
    • Younger kids: Play & Learn Children’s Bible CD.
      • Older kidsJoseph' Story.

Scripture References:

Genesis 37:2-11, 16-36; 45:14-15

Memory Verse: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.”  1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV)


  • Locate Genesis and identify it as the first book of the Bible.
  • To learn these key words: jealousy, envy, relationship, and favoritism (for younger students: “playing favorites”).
  • Discover that showing favoritism can cause hurt relationships. Jacob’s favoritism of his son Joseph made Joseph’s brothers hate him. When we are jealous, we can hurt people’s feelings.
  • Recognize that God loves everyone and is with us no matter what we do. God’s helped Joseph and his brothers to be family again later.

Joseph & the Coat of Many Colors

Art Workshop - for older children

Summary of Lesson Activities:

In this workshop, we will focus on Joseph’s coat of many colors and have the children create a windsock of many colors. They will also learn that colors can evoke certain feelings when you see them, and that colors also become symbols used in the church seasons calendar.

Preparation and Supplies:

  • Read the selected scripture and prepare to paraphrase parts that are not read aloud.
  • If using paper tubes to make a windsock, paint them white.
  • Review the Color wheel and the Church Season Colors.
  • Toilet tissue tubes and white acrylic paint.
  • Hole punchers
  • Paint smocks
  • Paint/brushes
  • Markers
  • Stickers
  • Many ribbons; cut to length would be helpful
  • yarn
  • The Church Season Poster/materials

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself. Have the kids introduce themselves to each other, ask them all to say what school they go to.

Explain the purpose of today’s scripture in one sentence: God’s grace and His plans for us can help us to forgive and love one another even when we have bad feelings for someone.

Scripture Reading:

Read the lessons from the age appropriate Bibles brought in by the kids. Have the older children take turns reading the verses.

Application through Art:

Say “ Colors can become symbols or make you feel certain feelings when you see them. Has anyone heard “Green with envy?”” Do people really turn green? Discuss how colors can make you feel different ways:

Blue=calm, soothing, nice

Refer to the Color chart provided on different emotions.

Ask the kids for their ideas of colors and what feelings that they make.
Ask them about their bedroom colors, how does it make them feel?

Briefly discuss how colors are used for symbols also. In the Church we use colors during the Church Seasons. Refer to the poster and briefly introduce the concepts. What season color are we in now? (Green- the season of Pentecost, until we enter into the season of Advent, the season color of Blue).

Point out the color wheel on the wall. Show the primary colors (Red, Blue and yellow). Ask the children if they know how to make the secondary colors. (Mixing the primary colors: yellow + red = orange...).


The children will make colorful windsocks to give to someone they love. Pass out the plain toilet tissue tubes (pre-painted white will save drying time). Have a pre-made windsock hanging for an example.

  1. The kids will punch out 3 holes at the top of the tube. Be careful to leave some space from the edge. This is where they will place the yarn to hang the windsock. Have them tie the yarn on, gathering it at the top to form one piece. A “hoop” would be nice on top.
  2. The kids will then punch out holes equally around the bottom of the paper tube. This is where the many colors of ribbon will be tied.
  3. Have the children choose from the many colors of ribbon while you discuss Joseph’s beautiful coat of many colors that made his brothers jealous. Have the kids tie the ribbons onto the tube. Patience, assistance & encouragement are great!
  4. Carefully have the children decorate the tubes now. Paint will look the best. Markers may be used. A picture from the lesson would be nice. The children may use stickers to decorate if they would like to.

Closing Prayer:

Close with a prayer of your own, or use the following: Dear Father God, Thank you for all of the colors in our world. We recognize that colors may make us feel a certain way and sometimes those feelings can result in hurtful actions. Help me to know how to control my feelings so that my actions won’t hurt anyone. Help me do what you would want me to do. Amen.

A lesson written by Cathy Weygandt
for "The Disciple Builders" of Trinity Lutheran Church, Findlay, OH; July 2003

Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors

Cooking Workshop - for Younger Kids

Summary of Lesson Activities:

The children will learn to be happy with the things they have, not envious of other people's things by learning about jealousy using an unfair distribution of snack - either a brownie or a cracker.

Teacher Preparation:

  • Read the selected scripture and prepare to paraphrase the story parts that are not read aloud.
  • Read over background material on Joseph.
  • Gather the following materials.

Supply List

  • Brownies
  • small crackers
  • paper
  • markers
  • crayons
  • napkins

Lesson Plan: Opening

Greet the children and introduce yourself. Have the children introduce themselves and say something interesting about themselves.

Explain the purpose of today’s scripture in one sentence: Families should love one another and forgive one another.

Open with a prayer.


Joseph Story in a nutshell:
Genesis 37 begins Joseph’s story and ends in chapter 50.
He was Jacob’s (Israel’s) favorite son from a family of 12 sons and 1 daughter. Jacob gave Joseph a special robe as a sign of favoritism. Joseph’s brothers were envious of him and plotted a story to tell Jacob that Joseph had died. They returned the coat, bloodied to ‘prove it’. His brothers sold Joseph meanwhile, into slavery to Potiphar.
Despite all of these tragic events, God blessed Joseph. Joseph eventually found favor by Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Pharaoh made Joseph a ruler.
After a terrible famine in Egypt, Joseph brothers came to Joseph for help. He forgave them and through God’s plan, Joseph’s family reconciled.

Scripture/Bible Story:

Read the lessons from the Bible. Have the 1st & 2nd graders take turns reading if they are able.

  • Youngest kids use The Beginner's Bible pp73-77; please paraphrase that later Joseph became a powerful leader of Egypt and he forgave his brothers (pg. 90). He brought his family together again by God’s love.
  • 1st & 2nd grade use The Read With Me Bible, pp74-86; Joseph’s Beautiful Coat- Joseph’s Dream. Please paraphrase that later Joseph became a powerful leader of Egypt and he forgave his brothers (pg. 92). He brought his family together again by God’s love.
  • Say “Those brothers felt a lot of envy because Joseph's dad liked him best. Joseph got a bright-colored coat and his brothers didn't. Sometimes we feel envy just like Joseph's brothers when we don't get what we want.
  • Give the children a chance to say things that make them envious. For example, when a friend gets a new toy and they don't. Then tell them they're going to change envy into a good feeling. Tell kids you'll stand up and say some sort of good news, then sit down.
  • After each bit of good news, kids are to stand up and say, "I'm glad for you!" then sit back down. Examples:
  • Look! My dad just gave me a brand-new skateboard. "I'm glad for you!"
  • My grandma is coming to take me to the zoo! "I'm glad for you!"
  • My mom lets me stay up late on Friday nights. "I'm glad for you!"
  • Add some of the situations the children may have previously said that made them envious. After each item they say, encourage the children to say, "I'm glad for you!"

Say “Sometimes it isn't easy to be glad for others when they get something we'd like, but that's what God wants us to do”.

Food Application:
1. Look at My Snack:

  • Gather the children in a circle and pass out snacks. Half of the class receives a brownie; the other half receives a cracker. Say: A brownie for you, a cracker for you as you pass them out.
  • You'll likely hear protests from the cracker receivers, but just bear with them.

2. See How I Feel:

  • You'll need brownies and small crackers. Have the smiley face & the sad face with a huge frown cutout ready.
  • Hold up the smiley face and ask “How many of you felt like this when I gave you a snack?” “ Why?” Let kids respond with "I love brownies." Or, "They taste great."
  • Hold up the frown cutout and ask “How many of you felt like this?” “Why?” Let them respond with "I like brownies better than crackers." Or, "The brownie was bigger. I was hungry."
  • Give crackers to the children who already received brownies and brownies to the children who already received crackers. Say “Remember, all good things come from God”.
  • Tell children that there's a word to describe our feelings when we want something someone else has. Its called envy. We feel envy when we want others' things instead of thinking of our own blessings.

3. Envious Faces:

  • Let everyone practice smiling and frowning. Then say, “I'm going to read some situations. If one makes you happy, show me a big smile. If one makes you feel sad, angry or full of envy, show me a big frown”. Pass the cutout faces around to the Children allowing then to take turns with answering.
  • Read these situations:
    • Your sister just got a brand-new bicycle, and you didn't get anything.
    • A friend is eating a juicy red apple; he gives you one too.
    • *Your baby brother is surrounded by aunts and uncles who are oohing and aahing. Nobody notices you.
    • A next-door neighbor is playing with a brand-new red truck in his brand-new sandbox. He doesn't ask you to play.
    • You're holding your favorite book. You offer to show it to your friend.
    • Your teacher tells you you're going to hear a good Bible story.

4. Joseph Rap: Use for the youngest group of children
Give the children a stretcher break with the following rap. Have the children kids follow you in doing the actions.
Smile, (Stand and smile.)
Frown; (Bend your knees and frown.)
Smile, (Stand and smile.)
Frown; (Bend your knees and frown.)
Now it's time to sit back down.
My Blessings:

  • For each child, you'll need a piece of paper, markers or crayons.

Pass out paper to the children. Tell them each to draw a picture of a blessing-a favorite toy, pet, or somewhere nice they've been on vacation. When they finish, let them share their pictures with the others.

  • After each child shares, have everyone else stand up and say "I'm glad for you!" Emphasize that God blesses all of us with gifts. None of us should envy others.

Love Is Not Envious:

  • Have kids learn this memory verse 1 Corinthians 13:4: " Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
  • Have kids repeat the verse with you using the motions. Work with them until they can say it by themselves with you just leading the motions.

Love (Hug yourself.)
Is kind (Draw a smile on your face with both pointer fingers.)
And is not (Shake your head "no.")
Envious (Make a frown on your face.)


End with a prayer: Thank you, God, for all our blessings. Take envy away and make us happy for others. Amen.


  • Ray and Cindy Peppers, Permission to reprint this lesson granted for local church use. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 481, Loveland, CO 80539

A lesson written by Cathy Weygandt
for "The Disciple Builders" of Trinity Lutheran Church, Findlay, OH; July 2003

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post

Joseph & the Coat

Video Workshop - Younger Children

Summary of Lesson Activities:
Uses The Beginner’s Bible: The Story of Joseph and His Brothers video.

Scripture Reference:
Genesis 37:2-11, 16-36, 45:14 & 15

Memory Verse:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4


  • Locate Genesis and identify it as the first book of the Bible.
  • To learn these key words: jealousy, envy, relationship, favoritism
  • The children will hear that Jacob was Joseph’s father who loved Joseph the most. Showing favoritism can cause hurt relationships. Jacob’s favoritism of his son Joseph made Joseph’s brothers hates him. When we are jealous, we can cause pain to others. God loves everyone and is with us no matter what we do to separate from God. God’s plans helped Joseph and his brothers to be family again later.
  • In this workshop, we will learn that even though we can hurt others with jealousy & envy, God’s grace and His plans for us can help us to forgive and love one another. Joseph’s lesson can show us that even unhappy times in our relationships (in families & friendships) can be resolved when we forgive and love one another.

Teacher Preparation:

  • Read the selected scripture and prepare to paraphrase parts that are not read aloud. Read over background material of Joseph. Preview the video. There is filler material always available in the resource room along with any supplies you might need.
  • There is the Goody Cart of filler material in the Resource room for the preschoolers.

Supply List:

  • The Beginner’s Bible: The Story of Joseph and His Brothers video, Sony/wonder, 1996
  • Popcorn

Lesson Plan


  • Greet the children and introduce yourself. Wear nametag. Have the kids introduce themselves to each other, “What school do you go to?”...
  • Explain the purpose of today’s scripture in one sentence: God’s grace and His plans for us can help us to forgive and love one another even when we have bad feelings for someone.


Scripture/Bible Story:

  • Read the lessons from the age appropriate Bibles brought in by the kids. Have the older children take turns reading the verses. You may use a picture/storybook from the Resource room for the younger children after the first week. We do want to emphasize Bible use and where the lessons are from.
  • Have the students sit where you would like them to during the reading of the story from the Bible. Usually a circle on the floor up front works well.
  • Youngest kids use THE BEGINNERS BIBLE, pp73-77; please paraphrase that later Joseph became a powerful leader of Egypt and he forgave his brothers (pg. 90). He brought his family together again by God’s love.
  • 1st & 2nd grade use THE READ WITH ME BIBLE, pp74-86; Joseph’s Beautiful Coat- Joseph’s Dream. Please paraphrase that later Joseph became a powerful leader of Egypt and he forgave his brothers (pg. 92). He brought his family together again by God’s love.

Application: (Video) “The Beginner’s Bible, The Story of Joseph and His Brothers”

  • Tell them that we will watch a movie version of this story. The story is in cartoon form and lasts about 30 minutes.
  • Pass out the popcorn (provided by the Young adults of our Church). The containers are to be collected at the end. They are re-used each week.

Questions for discussion:

  • What did you like about the video?
  • What did you not like?
  • What did you see that was like the Bible story? What was not like the story?
  • Do you think Joseph was aware of the way his brothers felt?
  • Did the brothers care how Joseph’s father felt when they told them the bad news about Joseph?
  • Did they care what happened to Joseph?
  • Do you think jealousy could ever make you act this way?
  • Why did Joseph’s brothers get jealous of Joseph? (Father’s favoritism, the coat...).
  • Point out that this is not the end of the story of Joseph and we will learn about him some more at another time. Point out that through God’s plan, Joseph became a Ruler of Egypt and forgave his brothers later. God allows us to forgive and support one another. Even though we may fight with the people we love in our lives, through God’s help we can learn to love one another and forgive.
  • Review the memory verse. Ask:” What is love?”


Closing Prayer:
Close with a prayer of your own, or use the following: God, help me to know how to control my feelings so that my actions won’t hurt anyone. Help me do what you would have me do. Amen.


A lesson written by Cathy Weygandt for "The Disciple Builders" of
Trinity Lutheran Church, Findlay, OH.
July 2003


Video Workshop- Older Children

Summary of Lesson Activities:
Uses the “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” video from Universal.

Scripture Reference:
Genesis 37:2-11, 16-36,45: 14 & 15

Memory Verse:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4


  • Locate Genesis and identify it as the first book of the Bible.
  • To learn these key words: jealousy, envy, relationship, favoritism
  • The children will hear that Jacob was Joseph’s father who loved Joseph the most. Showing favoritism can cause hurt relationships. Jacob’s favoritism of his son Joseph made Joseph’s brothers hates him. When we are jealous, we can cause pain to others. God loves everyone and is with us no matter what we do to separate from God. God’s plans helped Joseph and his brothers to be family again later.
  • In this workshop, we will learn that even though we can hurt others with jealousy & envy, God’s grace and His plans for us can help us to forgive and love one another. Joseph’s lesson can show us that even unhappy times in our relationships (in families & friendships) can be resolved when we forgive and love one another.

Teacher preparation in advance:

  • Read the selected scripture and prepare to paraphrase parts that are not read aloud.
  • Read over background material of Joseph.
  • Preview the video. There is filler material always available in the resource room along with any supplies you might need.

Supplies List:

  • “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” video from Universal.
  • Popcorn

Lesson Plan


  • Greet the children and introduce yourself. Wear nametag. Have the kids introduce themselves to each other, “What school do you go to?”...
  • Explain the purpose of today’s scripture in one sentence: God’s grace and His plans for us can help us to forgive and love one another even when we have bad feelings for someone.


Scripture/Bible Story:

  • Read the lessons from the age appropriate Bibles brought in by the kids. Have the older children take turns reading the verses.
  • Have the students sit where you would like them to during the reading of the story from the Bible. Usually a circle on the floor up front works well.


(Video) “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” video from Universal.

  • Tell them that we will watch a musical version of this story. The story is set with children in an auditorium having the story told to them as though they were in Sunday School. Have them watch for ways the writer tried to bring the story up to a more modern time.
  • Start the video at the part where the narrator is walking up the aisle to begin the story. Stop or continue letting it run until she speaks but ask, “Why do you think the writer chose to show students in modern dress in an assembly.” Lead them to see that it shows the difference in Bible times and modern times and the students being there give the feel of a live performance and of a Sunday School class or a class where they are being taught the lesson.
  • Tell them that one-day Joseph was sent to find his brothers because they had been gone so long. Meanwhile the brothers were plotting how to get rid of him. One wanted to kill him but another suggested throwing him into a pit, which is what they did. They paid no attention to his desperate cries for help.
  • The brothers went on to eat a meal and while they were eating they saw a caravan of traders coming toward them. They sold Joseph to the traders for 20 pieces of silver. Rueben, the brother that suggested putting him in the pit came back to rescue him and found him gone. The other brothers explained what they had done. They decided they would tell Jacob that Joseph had been killed.
  • Suggest that as the video continues they watch for ways the musical is different from the Bible story.
  • Continue the video. Be sure they notice the hats of the women. Ask, “Why does the writer do that? Is that realistic?” Accept any answers.
  • Stop the video when the narrator says Joseph was sold and taken to Egypt. Let the children know we will continue Joseph’s story at another time.

Questions for discussion:

  • What did you like about the video?
  • What did you not like?
  • What did you see that was like the Bible story? What was not like the story?
  • Do you think Joseph was aware of the way his brothers felt? Do you think Joseph was overconfident (too sure of himself)?
  • What did you think of the funny way they told the father of Joseph’s death?
  • Could you see the pain the “death” of Joseph caused his father?
  • Did the brothers consider the consequences (what would happen) of their actions?
  • Did the brothers care how their father felt?
  • Did the brothers care what happened to Joseph?
  • Do you think jealousy could ever make you act this way? Can you think of anytime when you felt jealous? What did you do about it? What were your consequences?
  • Ask, What were two things that caused the brothers to be jealous of Joseph? The coat and the dreams.
  • Point out that this is not the end of the story of Joseph and we will learn about him some more at another time. Point out that through God’s plan, Joseph became a Ruler of Egypt and forgave his brothers later. God allows us to forgive and support one another.
  • Even though we may fight with the people we love in our lives, through God’s help we can learn to love one another and forgive.


End with a Prayer:
Close with a prayer of your own, or use the following: God, help me to know how to control my feelings so that my actions won’t hurt anyone. Help me do what you would have me do. Amen.


A lesson written by Cathy Weygandt for "The Disciple Builders" of Trinity Lutheran Church, Findlay, OH.
July 2003

Last edited by Luanne Payne

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