Share your photos of Biblical timelines done at your church or seen on your travels.
(Click on the pictures below to view them as larger in size.)
Here are some photos from State Street United Methodist Church in Bristol, TN.
They created this using the book The Big Picture Bible Timeline Book by Gospel Light, ISBN-13: 978-0830714728. This book allows photocopying of it's images.
In the photo on the right you can get a sense of the overall size of the pictures by seeing the display of items on a table in front of the time-line.
In the photo on the right, the red arrow represents the current Rotation story.
This is a timeline from a church in the Chicago area (sorry, not remembering the name. Please identify it if you can!)
Works of art representing various stories were hung in the approximate area of the "story."
This is the timeline that was done at our church by a local artist, Katherine Larson. It is 40 feet in length.
Below is the "before" the mural was painted... followed by a couple sections of the "after"!
To see more pictures of our timeline go to the web site of Katherine Larson and scroll down to select First United Methodist Church. (I am honoring Katherine's copyright and not displaying pictures here,)