SPECIAL RESOURCES for Sunday School During the Pandemic
"Sunday School during the COVID Pandemic"
We have now closed this forum and redistributed its many great ideas to other areas of our website.
If you were brought here by an old link or search engine and are wondering where the resource has gone, you can post your question in the Teachers Lounge. Registered and Supporting Members can also use our Search feature.
Rotation.org's Pandemic Sunday School Resources Forum was one of our most active forums during 2020-21. It was a great example of how our online community and volunteer leaders are able to quickly respond to Sunday School needs. Likewise, our ability to adapt and save the "best of" is a testament to Rotation.org's commitment to keeping great ideas available. If you have not already joined to support our unique community, please join today.
Here are a few links to areas where some pandemic-forum material has been moved (and edited):
- If it was a lesson idea or lesson plan, look for it by Bible story in our lesson forums, or use Search
- Online Sunday School, Hybrid Sunday School, tech, tips, resources
- The Rotation Model "after" the pandemic, how it can help with attendance issues and outreach
- Recommended videos resources for at-home and online Sunday School
- Virtual, Online, and At-Home Ideas for Celebrating & Teaching the Events of Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Last Supper, Good Friday, Easter
- More ideas for celebrating Advent, Christmas at-home. includes online resources
- Renewal, Rally, Let's Go! and Recommitment to Sunday School Forum.