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This collection of Sunday School teaching ideas and resources is organized by "TOPICS" such as LENT, Stewardship, Peace, Prayer, Thanksgiving, Mission, Church, Grace, Trinity, Maccabees, and some other historical subjects that often get taught in Sunday School.

If you are looking for teaching resources for a SPECIFIC Bible story, go to that story's forum in our Bible story forums. Resource Topics such as Teacher Training, VBS, Fall Kickoff, and Small Sunday School, can be found in our General Sunday School Resource Forums.  Advent lesson topics and resources are found in the "Birth of Jesus" lesson forums.

Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and Stewardship lessons and ideas for children's Sunday School and at-home use.

Most Recent Post Time, Talent, Treasure Game ~ Widow's Mite

Lent resource forum. Links to Lenten lessons and ideas at our site. Also: At-home lenten celebrations, learning, events, spiritual practices. Lenten meals, Seder, programs. etc.

Most Recent Post Should children "give up" something for Lent? Discussion and ideas

Church Words and Theological Subjects such as Grace, Salvation, Baptism, Communion, Worship, Creeds, Holy Spirit, Promises of God, Trinity, Apostle's Creed, etc.

Most Recent Post GRACE

This "topical" forum includes lessons and ideas for teaching about Peace, Justice, Prayer, Redemption, Women in the Bible, and some teaching resources related to holidays, such as Memorial Day or Mother's Day.  This forum is something of a "catch-all" for Sunday School ideas and lessons that don't neatly fit into our Bible story-specific forums but are often taught in Sunday School.

Most Recent Post Resources for peace/justice/hunger/racism issues

Life in Bible times. Jewish roots, Maccabees, etc.

Most Recent Post SHEPHERD'S Foods and SHEEP/Veterinary bible time practices

Lessons, ideas, and resources that fit the themes of Church, Going to Church, Importance of, Worship, etc.

Most Recent Post Ideas for teaching about participating in, attitude in worship, what is church
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