This forum is collecting lesson plans and lesson ideas for teaching the stories of Jesus' miracles in Sunday School. It includes both Writing Team Lesson Sets & Public Lessons & Ideas. Miracles of Jesus stories include: Ten Lepers, Feeding of 5000, Jesus Walks on Water, Jesus Calms Storm, Man Let Down through Roof, Jesus Raises Lazarus, Blind Bartimaeus, Wedding at Cana, and more. If the story you seek does not include a miracle/healing in it, consult one of our related forums.
Related forums: Parables of Jesus, Teachings of Jesus, Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' Encounters with Others (non-miracle stories such as Zaccheus)
A super-creative lesson set from our Writing Team covering Luke 17:11-19, the story of Jesus healing ten lepers and the one who returned to give thanks. As always, the Writing Team's Lesson Summary page is open to all and the Team's lesson plans are open to our awesome supporting members.
Luke 17:11-19
Come see our SIX creative and detailed lessons on the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 from John 6:1-15, 35. Plus, our music video (for worship and older kids), and a quiz for teachers about the story! Everyone can view the Lesson Summaries and Background material. As usual, access to the Team's lesson plans are the major benefit of supporting
Everyone can view the Lesson Summary and Bible Background. The lessons in this Writing Team Lesson Set are open to Supporting Members only. (Become one today.)
The creative and super-memorable lessons include art, drama, a "boat and butter" cooking workshop, a water lesson, video, software, and a great science experiment lesson.
Matthew 14:22-33 (Jesus and Peter). Mark 6:45-52, John 6:16-21 (Jesus only).
Six creative lesson plans about what is arguably one of the most important stories in the New Testament: "I am the resurrection... Do you believe this?"
This collection of lesson ideas covers several "blind man" healings: Blind Bartimaeus, The man by the pool of Bethesda, the man told to go wash in the Pool of Siloam.
(Includes lessons that deal with more than one miracle.)