Sunday School lessons for children from the Books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. Includes Rahab, 12 Spies, Deborah, Gideon (etc), Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz in the Bible. Be sure to see the Writing Team's "Judges Then, Judges Now" lesson set, and "The Story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz" lesson set.
"WT" sets are in addition to all the great public content here at Join today!
The Lesson Summaries and Bible Background are open to all. The creative lesson plans in this Writing Team lesson set are open to Supporting Members. The stories and lessons in the Book of Judges can be harsh for young children, so we've gone to extra lengths to teach them in kid-appropriate ways and focus on how Jesus "judges" and treats others -- and how we should too.
Lesson plans and ideas relating to people and events in the book of Judges.
Seven creative lesson plans about The Story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz from our Writing Team.
Everyone can read the Lesson Summaries and Bible Background. The lessons themselves are open to our amazing Supporting Members. Join today! This set includes a free printable or projectable Ruth Storybook that tells the whole story in kid-friendly language. It's based on the NIV and illustrated with the artwork of John August Swanson.
Lessons, ideas, and resources for teaching the story of Joshua, Caleb, Rahab and the 12 Spies