This forum is for lessons and ideas for teaching various passages from Isaiah.
For "Advent-Messiah related" Isaiah lessons, go to Jesus' Birth foretold by Isaiah and the Prophets in our Advent forum and be sure to check out the Writing Team's "Isaiah Promised, Jesus Fulfilled" Advent lesson set.
Six creative Sunday School lessons about Micah 6:7-8, Do Justice, Love Kindness, and Walk Humbly using art, baking, video & drama, rhythm & music, scripture memory, and Bible games.
Come see the seven creative lesson plans by our Writing Team teaching the stories of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Fiery Furnace (Daniel 3) and Daniel in the Lions' Den (Daniel 6).
Lessons and ideas for teaching the story of Jonah in Sunday School
This forum is collecting ideas, lessons, and resources for teaching the "minor" prophets of Amos, Micah, and Zechariah (and others who don't have their own forum). Though typically not focused on in Sunday School, we do have some great ideas.