This forum is packed with resources and topics for both Sunday School and Children's Ministry in general. Here you'll find our "The Lesson Help Teachers Lounge," Teacher Training handouts and event resources, Zoom "Coffee Chat" continuing education seminar dates and topics, and our Fall Kickoff, Renewal forums, "VBS" and "Summer" topics. teaching techniques, creatively read the Bible with your kids, classroom management and discipline, recruiting teachers, improving attendance, caring beyond the classroom, creative lesson writing and brainstorming, spirituality and prayer in the classroom, safe Sunday Schools, and more! This forum is also home to our "Small Sunday School" resource forum.
- For specific lesson suggestions, go to the Bible Story Lesson Menu.
- Go to the Workshop Design and Resource Forum for help with specific teaching techniques, such as art, drama, cooking, software, teaching with video, etc., and classroom setup and decor suggestions.
The Teachers Lounge is where Registered and Supporting Members can ask questions and get lesson help from the community.
Upcoming and past "Coffee Chat" Zoom gatherings where we discuss timely and important topics in Sunday School and Christian education.
This forum features discussion, suggestions, and resources for welcoming, engaging, and teaching "neurodiverse" and "special needs" children and youth in the church.
Articles and resources about general teaching techniques, classroom management, discipline, and more for all types of Sunday Schools and lesson plans. (For specific media and techniques, like art and video, go to our Workshop Design & Resource Forum.)
Sunday School Teacher Training, recruiting, and training event resources, Articles for teachers, Teacher Training handouts, and our free "Leap of Faith" video and guide to jumpstart teacher-leader discussion and planning.
General Sunday School topics include: Improving Attendance, Summer Sunday School, summer children's ministry, Ways to Care Beyond the Classroom, "Evaluating Sunday School," "What every child should know," a statement of purpose for Sunday School, advice for better children's sermons. Church Safety, and quite possibly a lot more!
Topics discussing ideas, challenges, tips, lessons, and resources for SMALL Sunday Schools, low attendance.
Prayer, Reflection, and Spirituality in Sunday School. How to teach about prayer, how to encourage kids to pray, how to pray with your kids in the classroom. How to move from teaching Bible facts to life application and reflection. How to raise spiritually mature kids. And quite a bit more!
Summer Sunday School, VBS, Vacation Bible School and Summer Kid Min ideas, lessons, themes, links, alternatives, discussion.
Welcome to's "Let's Go" Sunday School Renewal-themed lesson plans, lesson ideas, Rally or Fall Sunday School Kickoff event suggestions, and worship resources for re-energizing the commitment to Sunday School and sharing the Good News.
This forum is collecting Sunday School classroom supply and resource suggestions, links, and discussions, including Bibles for kids and Sunday School classrooms.
Find something exciting or new for your Sunday School? Post it here! This topic is for RESOURCES you have found that aren't specific to one Bible story, and for ideas/resources that don't seem to fit anywhere else. Only Registered and Supporting Members can post and read the posts here.