The forums in this category describe and resource "getting started" and managing a Rotation Model Sunday School. Here you can also find articles and online presentations about the Rotation Model.
Related forum: Workshop designs, decor, creative teaching techniques.
View a handy one-page collection of links to all our Rotation Model Resources
In this forum:
- What is the Workshop Rotation Model? Articles and Video Presentations
- How do you get started?
- How do you decide which Bible stories to teach?
- How do I set up my Workshops?
- How do I schedule the stories and Workshops?
- Shared space? Younger kids? and more!
When to Start the Rotation Model? Age groups to include? Staff? Small church? Large church? What Stories to Teach? Strategies for Getting Started.
Training, Promotion, Adaptations, Special/Seasonal Times of Year, Worship, Safety, Special Needs Children. etc.
Experience, insights, and suggestions from the Rotation Model community about teaching Preschoolers.
We're posting some Rotation and Wormy graphics in this forum we we use here at our website. You are welcome to are welcome to COPY them and use them in your lessons and promotional materials (non-commercial use of course).
To SAVE any of these images your computer, RIGHT CLICK them and select "save as".