Supporting Members make our site possible, and that's why, in addition to full access to all our public forums and resources, they have unlimited access to these very special Sunday School resources. Everyone can browse the 'subject' listings in these special resource forums. Supporting Members can view, print, copy and/or download the content.
Here is a menu to special Supporting Member resources in our forums:
- The Writing Team's extra creative lesson sets (whose lesson summaries and Bible backgrounds are open to the public)
- Special Teacher Training Resources! --including 10 printable/emailable Teacher Training PDFs and access to Supporting Member-only video recordings of our Zoom seminars.
The Annie Vallotton Gospel Illustrations Collection --Articles and PDFs to share and discuss. Includes "Ten Great Reasons to Teach Sunday School," "Do Your Lessons Have a Jesus Gap," "Safe Sunday Schools and Buildings," a teacher training event, and more!
- 24 different free downloadable Bible software programs for kids from Sunday Software, plus tablet APP recommendations, websites, and our Help Desk for choosing, downloading, and teaching with software. Everyone can ask questions and read the descriptions and guides. Only Supporting Members can download the software. This page includes links to our software lessons too.
- Parenting Disciples -- 12 Inspirational Posters with guides for at-home use by families or congregational use.
- Outlines and Guides to Popular Bible Videos and Movies. Includes 13 detailed outlines for the popular "What's in the Bible?" videos. Everyone can see the listings, but only Supporting Members can read and print the guides.
- Online Sunday School, Ideas, Resources, How-to (and how-not-to), options, and discussion about various churches' experiences.
- Pulling Back the Curtain ~ Creative and Practical Lesson Writing Insights for Writers (some content is open to all members)
Become a Supporting Member for just #45 and get access to EVERYTHING today. We are 100% supported by individuals and churches. We don't sell products or shill for publishers. We believe in having many choices. And we are volunteer-governed, focused on Sunday School, and passionate about creatively teaching the Word.
Our Writing Team (WT) lesson sets feature extra-creative lesson plans teaching major Bible stories. Designed for Rotation Model use, they are easily adaptable by traditional Sunday Schools looking for creative ways to teach God's Word.
Everyone can read the Team lesson summaries and Bible backgrounds. Supporting members can read and print the "WT" lesson plans. The WT lessons are a creative and forward-thinking supplement to the thousands of public lesson ideas posted here at
The Team's Jesus is Born lesson set is open to everyone.
Bible story and Bible game software downloads for children and younger youth in Sunday School. Supporting Members of can download and use them in Sunday School and share them with church families. These resources also include links to lesson plans written for the programs.
Look for special "Supporting Member-only" teacher training resources among our "Teacher Training" Topics.
Teaching guides, outlines, and reviews of some of our favorite and most often recommended Bible movies. What's in the Bible?, Son of God, Jesus Christ Superstar, Gospel of John, and many more! Everyone can see the list of guides. The guides themselves were written by and for our Supporting Members.
Heather DeWit's wonderful "Parenting Disciples" printable home Bible verse posters and discussion guides ~ A Supporting Member Resource!
The Annie Vallotton Gospel Illustration Collection presented by Jesus the Healer, Jesus and his disciples, Holy Week and Resurrection. Pentecost, Stories from the Book of Acts, and more.
Options, Resources, Ideas, and Discussion about Reaching and Teaching Sunday School Students Online. Online Children's Sunday School. Resources. Zoom, Facetime. At-home. Hybrid Sunday School.
A first of its kind resource. We're sharing "how-to" lesson writing resources developed for our's Writing Team.
Where creative ideas often come from ♦ Lesson Brainstorming Guide ♦ How to Do Bible Word Studies that Stoke Your Creativity, ...and more! Some content in this forum is open to all Registered (Free) Members. Some is only open to our amazing Supporting Members.
This special resource forum requires a Registered (free) or Supporting Membership to view and access certain content.