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Psalm 46 - God is our Refuge and Strength

Creative Sunday School LessonsPsalm 46's "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble, Therefore we will not fear," isn't typically taught in many Sunday Schools due to other priorities and time constraints, but it is a wonderful Psalm to teach in other opportunities, such as children's sermons. So... while we don't have much here, we do have a few good ideas and would encourage you to add yours.

The Rotation Model for Sunday School encourages churches to prioritize which Bible stories they believe are the most important to teach creatively and in-depth to kids -- knowing that trying to teach too many, too fast, only results in frazzled teachers, bland methods, and biblically illiterate children.  Learn more about the Workshop Rotation Model, why we slow down and focus on "major" Bible stories.

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