MUSIC & MOVEMENT ("Kinesthetic") Workshop: Techniques, Resources, Ideas
Welcome to our Music and Movement Resource Forum located here in our "Workshop" (classroom) general resources forum. Your replies and suggestions are welcome.
Music and Movement (Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence) are powerful teaching and learning techniques. You may see these "intelligences" used in a variety of workshop lesson plans where they are sometimes combined (music + movement, for example) or incorporated in drama or game activities. Occasionally you'll see a specific Movement lesson plans too!
If you are looking for specific song recommendations and teaching idea for a particular Bible story, look up that story in the Lesson Forums and locate that story's Music and/or Movement topic. You can also ask for help in the Teachers Lounge. For some stories, a music suggestion may be in its "Misc" topic.
"Music" in the Rotation Model is not "choir" or necessarily even "singing." It can include rhythm, movement, and listening. Music is sometimes combined in Drama Workshops. Read the opening article in this forum about teaching with music. Supporting Members: be sure to see the Writing Team's lesson sets which often include a music workshop, music reflections, and the use of music in drama.
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