Peter's Denial and Restoration, and Other Peter-centric stories
This forum features lesson resources for Gospel stories in which Peter plays a prominent role.
Primarily, this forum includes lessons and ideas for teaching the stories of Jesus' Last Supper prediction of Peter's denial (before the cock crows), Peter's Denial in the Courtyard, and Peter's "Restoration" after the Resurrection (John 21, "Peter do you love me? Feed my sheep."). You will find other mentions/resources of Peter in various lessons and resources that focus on the "main" stories of Holy Week in our Trial and Crucifixion resource forums.
This Peter forum also has links to other non-Holy Week Peter stories found elsewhere on our site, such as, Peter trying to Walk on Water (Matthew 14). Peter and John heal the lame man (Acts 3), Peter, Cornelius, and the Rooftop Vision (Acts 10), and Peter Escapes Prison (Acts 12).
Key scriptures in this forum:
- The prediction made by Jesus during the Last Supper that Peter would deny and disown him in Matthew 26:33–35, Mark 14:29–31, Luke 22:33–34, and John 18:15–27.
- Peter's denial in the courtyard in Luke 22:54–57, Mark 14:69–70, Matthew 26:73–75, and John 18:15–27
- Peter's confession after his denial.
- The "Restoration" of Peter is described in John 21 when Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection and asks Peter to "feed my sheep."
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