Thanksgiving, Stewardship, and Advent Lessons and Resources is an ever-growing curated collection of great Sunday School lessons, ideas, activities, and special event suggestions for major Bible stories and important times and themes of the Church Year, such as Thanksgiving, Stewardship, Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.
Our members have been creating and sharing great lessons and ideas for years in our Bible Story Lesson Forums. In the following links you'll find art activities, great videos, lessons that use drama and cooking projects, software, Bible games, and quite a bit more for these very special times of the year. Feel free to add your own great ideas too.
Go to our Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and Stewardship Forums 
Go to our Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Forums 
Visit our Advent At-Home Resource Page! 
Mixed into all our lesson and topic forums you'll also find broadly-graded lesson sets from our Writing Team who are producing some of the most creative lessons on major Bibles you'll ever find.
Everyone can read the Team's Bible Backgrounds and Lesson Summaries. Unlimited access to our "WT'" lesson sets are a major benefit of becoming a Supporting Member.
Links to the Advent story lesson sets created by our Writing Team!
Isaiah Promised, Jesus Fulfilled
- Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:20-24
An Advent Lesson set that looks at Isaiah's Old Testament's hope for a Messiah, and the kind of King that was coming to save God's people -- Jesus!
Mary Accepts, Magnifies, and Ponders
Gabriel visits Mary (Luke 1:26-38)
Who is this young girl chosen by God to give birth to and raise our Lord? Learn how her servant spirit and overflowing heart set the tone for our servant spirit and Christmas celebration.
Mary's Song of Joy (Luke 1: 46-55)
Mary Treasures and Ponders what the Shepherds say (Luke 2:8-20)
Jesus is Born!
- Matthew 1:18-25, the angel's announcement to Joseph and Luke 2:1-7, Journey to Bethlehem and Birth in the Manger.
This set is open to everyone!
It's a great example of the creativity and level of detail you'll find in other Team Lesson Sets. Free registration is required to view it if you are not already a Registered or Supporting Member.
Angels and Shepherds
- Luke 2:8-20, the angel appears to the shepherds.
Seven lessons -- each featuring something new and different like Baby Jesus himself.
The Magi
Matthew 2:1-12
What does it mean to "bow down and worship" him? How are you like a camel? Where is this "east" Matthew talks about? These six workshops feature many creative teaching methods and insights into this familiar story.