Abraham and Sarah Sand Art Cross Workshop
Create cross sand art, a reminder of God's promise that Abraham's descendants would be as numerous as grains of sand and also that one of Abraham's descendants is Jesus (using a kit from Oriental Trading, or other suggested materials).
Leader Preparation:
- Read the story ahead of time.
- Try the art project.
- Gather the materials.
Supplies List:
- Pre-cut cross sticky-boards -- (check Oriental Trading Co. for Sand Art Cross Picture Craft Kit if this link goes dead)
- colored sand (included in kit, or make your own' an internet search will yield a variety of suggestions)
- newspaper or other paper (for easy cleanup)
- Additional suggestions if you don't want to buy kits:
- Make sand designs on poster board stars using glue.
- Create pictures with story designs on posterboard
- Use crushed chalk to color sand. Jell-O is also a source of "colored sand." And it smells good.
Welcome and Introduction:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Open with a prayer.
Main Content
Story Review:
We used a story called "The Promise" from a picture Bible. It's a review of the story of Abraham and Sarah. You can use any children's Bible account that covers the discussion questions below.
- What did God promise Abraham and Sarah? (Land, Many Descendants (through a son), that Abraham would be father of great nation)
- What is a descendant? (The children of someone, or their grandchildren, or great grandchildren or great-great grandchildren, or so forth and so on)
- How did Abraham and Sarah show their faith in God? (They traveled to a new land leaving behind their family and friends because God told them too.)
- Did Sarah doubt God? (She had some doubt (according to Genesis 18 she actually laughed at God) because she thought she was too old to have children, but she wanted to believe that God could do anything.)
- How did God bless Abraham and Sarah for their strong faith? (He gave them a son (as he had promised) even though it seemed impossible because they were too old.)
- What great nation did Abraham become the father of? (Israel)
- Who is Abraham’s most famous descendant? (Jesus)
Because Abraham was so faithful God blessed and honored Abraham and Sarah by having their descendant be the Savior of the world. Their descendant, Jesus, became the salvation of all people by dying on the cross and rising from the grave. Our art project today is a reminder of both God's promise that Abraham's descendants would be as numerous as grains of sand and that one of Abraham's descendants is the Savior
Sand Art Activity:
The sticky boards will have precut crosses on them. The students will peel off a portion of the board and cover with colored sand; they can then lightly tap the board to remove any excess sand from that area. They can then move on to another portion of the board removing another section and putting another color on the board until all areas of the board are covered. There should be a sample available to show the kids what the finished project might look like.
End with a prayer:
Heavenly Father, we know that you have a plan for us, help us to hear your will for our lives and give us the faith to follow you when it is the hardest, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.
A lesson written by "Sunshinesally" from: Alive in Christ Lutheran Church, Columbia, MO
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