Abraham and Sarah Relay or Treasure Hunt Game
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Students will journey along with Abraham using your game choice of either a "Treasure Hunt" or a "Relay Journey."
Scripture Reference:
Genesis 12: 1-8, Genesis 18:1–15, Genesis 21:1, 3, 5-7
Lesson Objectives:
- The students will be able to find the story in their Bible
- The students will be able to retell the story of Abraham's call.
Life Application:
- The students will know that God calls us all on a journey.
- The students will know that God is with us on this journey.
Greet the children and introduce yourself.
Open with a prayer.
Play Game:
Decide which game (Treasure Hunt or Relay Journey) you will use for the story; details for both found below.
Reflection occurs with the questions in this lesson, either following the Treasure Hunt or during the Relay Journey.
End with prayer:
Dear God,
Thank you for being present in every step we take. Life and faith are journeys we do not take alone. You are always with us. We ask for peace, [place students requests here], healing for members of our congregation, and safety for classmates that are not on this journey with us today. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen
Game Option #1: Treasure Hunt
The student will travel together to find clues to the next part of the story. You will give them the first clue: Then the LORD told Abram “Leave your country..." From this clue, students would go and find something that contains countries (for example: a map).
Here they will find or be given the second clue: I will cause you… All the families of the earth… Students will then go to a place where all the families would gather to find the next clue (for example, fellowship hall).
Do this for each one of the clues. This has the students reading the story as they go along. We have given suggestions for places to hide clues; you will need to adjust to fit your facility. (Use the attached Word document if you need to reformat and bold a different word in any of the clues.) Be prepared to give students hints for some of the harder clues.
Place the clues in an envelopes labeled #1, #2 , etc. It will be important for you to remember where you hid the clues. For the older students you will want to challenge them a bit more by hiding clues somewhere in the area the clue leads them to; for the younger students the numbered envelopes can be in plain sight.
- Print Student Clues. Cut them apart and place each clue in a separate envelope & number them 1 through 13.
- Print the teacher's copy (and extra copies for any helpers). Hide the clues and write the location of each clue as you hide it. (Printable PDF containing both the Student and Teacher Treasure Hunt clues found here).
Clue Words and Location Examples:
- country – near a map or globe
- All the families - a place where families gather like a fellowship hall
- Departed - a place where you could leave the church (an exit or door)
- Oak - any tree outside (if possible) or near a window where you can look out and see a tree
- Altar – a place where you can learn about God, or praise & worship God – a classroom or a stage, altar, pulpit, lectern, communion table, offering box
- Southward - head south down a hallway or into a room, or a room at south end of building
- Worship - Fellowship hall under one of the chairs where they sit for worship, the sanctuary, or the choir room
- Three - somewhere with a number three – maybe a clock or room number or near the 3 pastors' offices
- Prepare Food - Kitchen
- Milk - Refrigerator
- Baby - nursery
- Too Hard - something hard, maybe a wooden cross or brick wall
- 13 Envelopes, to put clues into
Treasure Hunt Reflection Questions (for when the group gathers back at the starting point, or at some stops along the way)
- Who told Abraham to leave his country? (God called him)
- What does it mean to be called?
- What does it mean to bless someone? (Dictionary.com defines "blessing" as "the invoking of God's favor upon a person.")
- What are some of the good gifts of God (blessings) that show he loves us?
- Why did Sarah laugh?
- Would you ever laugh at God?
- What was the name of Abraham and Sarah's son? (Isaac)
- Does anyone know what Isaac's name means? (One who laughs or rejoices)
- Was God with Abraham and Sarah through all of their travels? How did they know?
- Does God call us to do things, or does he only call grownups and people in the Bible like Abraham?
- What might God call us to do?
Game Option #2: Relay Journey
Preparation and game play:
- Make copies of the directions for the relay journey for you and any adult helpers. Printable Relay Journey PDF here.
- Designate stations around the room. Put the necessary supplies at each station.
- Have all the students go through and do the activities together. If you have a really big group, you can have each student do at least one part of the relay journey. If desired, divide into teams and do each part of the journey like a race.
Supplies for each station:
- signs with numbers and location names
- #1: String or yarn or painter's tape to tie legs together.
- #2: Suitcase(s) or basket(s) or trash bags; oversize clothing (drama cupboard bathrobes or old clothes), bag of coins, a couple stuffed animals or puppets (ex. cow, sheep), play dishes and play food, pillow, blankets, etc.
- #3: nothing required
- #4: a globe (foam globe ball or globe beach ball).
- #5: 3-5 rocks/team (or wooden or cardboard blocks, boxes).
- #6: basin(s) of water and towels
- #7: a tray with animal crackers, slices of bread, or some other treat, glasses and a pitcher of water or milk (have Soy Milk on hand if any allergies), hand sanitizer
- Optional: Map, have them look up locations as they are mentioned on a map: Ur, Haran, Canaan, Shechem, Bethel, Ai, Negev (Negeb), and Mamre (see resources for map suggestion).
Extra Activities
Map Activity: (for either game)
Print the two maps found under resources and have a map at the stations/treasure stops where a place is mentioned. Have the students find it on the map.
The linked maps shows these locations:
- Map 20 includes: Ur, Haran, Shechem, Bethel, Canaan.
- Map 21 includes: Ai, Mamre, Negev (shows as Negeb).
- About the meaning of blessings: Mission Workshop by Staci Woodruff from: Jenks Church, Jenks, OK
- Maps from BibleQuest.Org https://www.biblequestions.org...ar12_abraham-map.pdf
- Genealogy Chart of Abraham to Jesus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genealogy_of_Jesus
- Tips for improving game questions to add reflection: posted below
A lesson written by Wendy Sempf from: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Rochester, MN
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