God's Promise to Abraham (and us) Newsroom Drama Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Uses a newsroom drama script about God's promises (including Jesus) for the children to immerse themselves in the story.
Scripture Reference:
Genesis 17 and also Acts 1 (Great Commission/Ascension)
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture ahead of time.
- Read the tips about leading a newsroom drama lesson.
Supplies List:
- Copies of the script
- Props - pretend microphones
- Costumes - Bible times, plus optional "modern" reporter clothing
- Camera to record the drama and a tv to play it back on (make sure you test your cables to connect the phone or camera to the tv; see helpful tips here)
Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Greet the children and introduce yourself.
Open with a prayer.
Jesus, help us to be like Abraham and believe in the promises that you make to us. Thank you for being with us always!!!! Amen.
Main Content and Reflection:
Read or review the Bible story: if there is not time to read the entire scripture passage, read Genesis 17:1-8 and summarize the rest. (It will be reviewed in the script.)
Discussion before you start the drama:
What are some promises that your Mom and Dad or friends have made to you? Did they keep them all?
We just read about God's promise to Abraham. Has God made any promises to you?
Say: To help understand the meaning in this story, we will be creating a newscast that you will videotape and we will burn copies for a DVD for each of you to keep. The play is broken down into five short scenes.
Assign parts and explain the script. (If time permits, you can run through the drama once as a rehearsal - but record it, too -- sometimes the "bloopers" version makes a fun way to review and reflect on the story.)
Closing and reflection:
Watch the video.
- What are some promises that God made to you?
- How do you feel knowing that God is with you always?
End with a prayer.
Overview of the drama:
Scene one – At the news desk
Scene two – At Abraham’s house
Scene three – At the news desk
Scene four – With Peter just after Jesus’ accession.
Scene five – At the news desk
Cast (7 parts):
- Chris - news anchor
- Pat - news anchor
- Snoop A. Round - reporter
- Abraham - the patriarch
- Just D. Facts - reporter
- Peter (Jesus' disciple)
Note: If you’re short kids – Snoop A. Round and Just D. Facts could be the same person. Also the same person could do Abraham and Peter.
[Camera is recording the news desk and Chris and Pat’s conversation.]
Chris: Welcome to Bible News – Channel 7.
Pat: With yesterdays news – and today’s stories!!!
Chris: Today we are going to talk about promises.
Pat: These promises are not your Mom and Dad’s Promises – but God's!!!
Chris: Wow!!! I sure wish God would make a promise to me.
Pat: Me too. I want to know more.
Chris: Let’s find out!!! We sent our reporter Snoop A. Round to talk to Abraham.
[Camera shifts to the news reporter hanging out with Abraham.]
Snoop A. Round: Snoop here!!! I have Abraham with me. Tell me what happened.
Abraham: I was minding my own business when the Lord appeared to me.
Snoop A. Round: What did he say?
Abraham: He said – Get this – if you follow me. I will greatly increase your numbers.
Snoop A. Round: So what did you say?
Abraham: Say??? I was too afraid. I fell down on my face. Have you ever seen God?
Snoop A. Round: No. That would be freaky!!
Abraham: It was - but God told me his promise was between him and me.
Snoop A. Round: What was God’s promise to you?
Abraham: He said that I shall be the Father of many Nations.
Snoop A. Round: That’s a GREAT Deal. But you’re almost 100 years old!!!
Abraham: God said that this promises was for me and my children’s children.
Snoop A. Round: But… your wife Sarai is – Ahem – Old.
Abraham: Please. God changed her name to Sarah, which means princess.
Snoop A. Round: My bad – I did not know about the name change.
Abraham: No problem. God changed my name also. I was Abram now I’m Abraham.
Snoop A. Round: This means “Father of many!!!” Do you have any last words?
Abraham: I believe in God. His promises are true – even if I’m an old guy.
Snoop A. Round: That’s a wrap – now back to the Chris and Pat at the News Desk.
[Camera is recording the news desk and Chris and Pat’s conversation.]
Pat: Great Story!!! Do you know how it ended?
Chris: God kept his promise and Abraham had a boy named Isaac a year later.
Pat: And Isaac had a boy named Jacob – who has a bunch of sons, including a son named Joseph.
Chris: Is that the kid with the coat of many colors?
Pat: Yes that’s the one – but that’s another story.
Chris: Did you realize that Abraham is the Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather of King David?
Pat: Wow – and he’s also the Great, Great a whole bunch of times more Grandfather of Jesus.
Chris: That’s cool how God keeps his promises.
Pat: Say…. Didn’t you say that you wished God made a promise to you?
Chris: I sure did. Don’t we all?
Pat: Well – I have some good news for you. We sent, Just D. Facts to talk to Peter about the late breaking news.
Chris: Just D. Facts – Where are you?
[Camera shifts to the news reporter hanging out with Peter.]
Just D. Facts: I’m here with Peter – one of Jesus’ disciples.
Peter: Wow!!! That was amazing!!! It was totally freaky!!!
Just D. Facts: What was?? Tell me. What did you see?
Peter: We were chilling with Jesus. Actually, the other disciples and I were still freaked out by how he came back to life.
Just D. Facts: I know!! It’s amazing. I’m so glad Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
Peter: Me too!!! Anyways – he was telling us that we will need to make disciples of all nations.
Just D. Facts: That’s cool.
Peter: And to Baptize everybody in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Just D. Facts: That’s awesome. But why are you freaked out?
Peter: Well - After he talked to us we went to this mountain and then he started to float up into Heaven.
Just D. Facts: Whoa!!! He just disappeared? He’s gone??? He went bye bye???
Peter: Kind of….
Just D. Facts: Kind of??? What do you mean?
Peter: He said, just before he went to heaven, “Lo I am with you ALWAYS!!!”
Just D. Facts: So… he’s with us even when he’s not?
Peter: That’s right!!! He is with us always!!! That is his promise to us.
Just D. Facts: So even though we can’t see him – he is with us?
Peter: Yep!!! Just like that promise to Abraham – God keeps his promises – so...he will always be with us .
Just D. Facts: This is some great news!!! Back to the news desk.
[Camera is recording the news desk and Chris and Pat’s conversation.]
Chris: Hurray!!! Now that’s some Good News!!!
Pat: Yep!!! When God makes promises – He keeps them!!!
Chris: Thanks for watching Bible News - Channel 7.
Pat: With yesterday's news – and today’s stories!!! Good night everybody!!!
A lesson written by rotation member "sunshinesally" from: Alive in Christ Lutheran Church, Columbia, MO
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