Game Lessons and Ideas for teaching the Story of Adam and Eve - Genesis 2 - in Sunday School
Glean what you need, post what you can for teaching the story of Adam and Eve, Genesis 2 & 3, using games and gaming techniques.
Bible Sunday School lessons about Adam and Eve - with Games, Bible memory, Games that teach the Bible, Bible Activities, Bible Books, etc.
The Writing Team's Bible Games Workshop for Adam and Eve has an active study about temptations taught with a fun "snake" or "serpent" game.
Domino Game Lesson Idea
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Using Dominos - how can one sin lead to a domino effect.
Supplies Needed:
- Dominoes
- Masking Tape
Workshop Details:
- Tape a shape down on the floor (may need more than one if class is large).
- Children will line the dominoes up along the tape.
- Try to get each child a turn to line the dominoes up or start the dominoes falling.
Talk with the children about the fact that one sin leads to others and pretty soon it is hard to stop. Also, you could have a discussion about the idea that my sin does affect others.
If you have “extra” time you may want to play “God says” (like Simon says).
Kernel of another idea:
Working in groups, have teams design a 'picture' with dominoes that represents something from the story, or a group of "domino friends" or perhaps the word "sin".
Game idea from member Mary Amrick