Jesus and the 12 Disciples
The following series of posts contain two versions of each of the 39 Annie Vallotton illustrations created for the topic "Jesus and the 12 Disciples." See usage restrictions and copying help.
- Each image is larger than it appears in the posting window. Click the image to enlarge it before saving, or open the attachment at the end of the post.
- Click the image to open it full-size in your browser, then right-click the image to save the large version to your computer.
- Scripture quotes are based on the Good News Bible and Vallotton's own notes are included below each image.
Why there are two or three versions of each image:
Original Colored Background Version: Annie Vallotton originally created these illustrations with colored backgrounds for a multimedia project.
The originals have the word "color" in their filename. Look closely at some of the colored versions and you can see the texture of the artist's wash and paper.
White Background: We have created a “background, color removed” version for those who want to use them to illustrate handouts and not empty their inkjet cartridge. In some cases, creating the white background removed some of Vallotton's background texture, especially in "night" scenes.
Tinted Version: In a few cases, we have also posted an alternate color-tinted version. Those have the word "tint" in their filename. You can create your own tinted version if you like.
For more information, email
Quicklinks to this Collection
- *Matthew the Tax Collector / Jesus Chooses Eleven Disciples / Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
- Jesus Send Out the Twelve (cont'd) / The Workers are Few / *Outcasts / The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven / Calming the Storm
- Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath / Jesus’ Mother and Brothers / Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah
- Jesus Predicts His Death / Jesus and the Children / Carrying Other's Burdens
- Signs of the End Times / Woman Anoints Jesus' Head / Jesus Predicts His Betrayal (Last Supper) / Garden of Gethsemane / Crucifixion / Resurrection / The Great Commission
- Road to Emmaus / Jesus Appears to the Disciples / Jesus Appears to Doubting Thomas / Pentecost
Related Collection: Post-resurrection appearances and Book of Acts
Thank you to Don and Pat Griggs for sharing their Vallotton Collection with our members! And thank you as well to our Supporting Members whose support of this site makes the sharing of these works of art possible. Thank you