At-home daily practices during Lent
This free Lenten calendar is a tool for families to engage in the stories, practices, traditions, and activities of Lent at home, at school, in their neighborhoods, and at work.
- Share it at breakfast, in break rooms, during staff meetings, and by your bedside.
- Discuss it at dinner.
- Send it as a text message or email to family and church members.
- Post each daily practice on your Facebook page for others to follow or send them as daily text messages to parents.
Daily challenges include the four traditional activities of Lenten preparation: prayer, fasting, giving/service, and study. A number of activities are designed to spark family discussion. Included are activities to help children see that Jesus loves them and calls them to respond by loving others.
- Use as a daily calendar reminder and guide.
- Using the black and white version, color the days as you count down.
- Cut into pieces and place in a jar or in plastic Easter eggs in a basket and draw out activities daily.
- Write the day's Lenten Reminder/Activity on your fridge's dry-erase board.
- Hand out copies to church members as they exit worship on Ash Wednesday, the Sunday before Lent begins, or every Sunday during Lent.
I've purposefully provided a WORD DOC so you can modify this calendar to fit your own needs and your congregation's worship and programming schedule.