
Reply to "DRAMA (PHOTOGRAPHY), PUPPET, NEWSROOM Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Simeon & Anna"

Jesus' Birth Through the Eyes of Simeon & Anna
Puppet Workshop


In our "Master's Mountain Theater" students will reenact the story of Simeon and Anna with puppets, then puppet characters will be asked questions, by teacher, and respond from their characters point of view.

Bible Background: Who were Simeon and Anna?

Scripture References:

Luke 2:21–39 and others as cited in “Biblical Explanation and Background for Teaching”

Memory verse: “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” II Corinthians 9:15

Theme: God leads a prepared Simeon, and a prepare Anna and US to know his son, Jesus, when we prepare to know him and seek Him in obedient faith.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Children will become familiar with the faith stories of Simeon and Anna in relationship to Jesus’ birth.
  2. Children will learn that God reveals himself to those who prepare and seek him in obedient faith, just as Jesus, God’s Son, our Savior, was revealed to Simeon and Anna.
  3. Children will thank God for sending Jesus as their Savior from sin, just as Simeon and Anna did.

Leader Preparations:

  • Read the scripture and bible background ahead of time
  • Gather the Materials


  • “Simeon”, “Anna”, “Mary”, “Joseph” and “baby” puppets
  • Backgrounds to look like Bethlehem
  • Jerusalem and the Temple. The Temple and a palm tree can be mounted on a stick and moved across the stage to simulate the travelling. Or, you can have the kids draw the scenery IN ORDER across a long sheet of paper, which can be rolled onto two poles and 'scrolled' by helpers behind the puppets to simulate movement and scene changes. This idea turns your scenery-making time into a learning/memory time.

Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction

Greet the children and introduce yourself and any helpers that you have.

Post the Bible memory verse, II Corinthians 9:15. The children should already have their own copies. Repeat the verse with the children before beginning to teach the lesson.

Teach the lesson. If this is the first Sunday of the rotation, most children will either not be at all familiar with the Simeon and Anna story, or will maybe only have heard of it vaguely. Children who can read should be encouraged to open their Bibles to Luke 2: 21-39 to read the story in the Bible before you teach the important points of the lesson. You will need to outline a version for yourself using the goals, concepts and background material as a guide to what you choose to emphasize, and especially explain any parts that pertain to the drama, like the words “sacrifice” and “salvation”. You will also need to explain how God promised to send His Son long before Jesus was born. You could start with a brief review of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and the shepherds’ visit to worship Him (the wise men had not yet visited at this point, we think.)

PUPPET SCRIPT: Simeon and Anna meet Baby Jesus

Younger children can move the puppets as a narrator reads the script. Older children can have the script tape inside the stage and speak into a microphone mounted in front of them behind the stage. (Microphones have the effect of focusing their attention).

Scene I: Bethlehem

JOSEPH: “Mary, are you ready to go to Jerusalem today?”
MARY: “Yes, Joseph. It is several miles, but we can carry baby Jesus and get there in time to offer our sacrifice in the Temple.”

Scene II: Jerusalem

MARY: “Joseph, isn’t the Temple magnificent?”
JOSEPH: “Yes, it’s the place to offer our sacrifice and worship to God. What a privilege to be one of his people!”
(Joseph and Mary walk off stage, and Simeon comes on. He kneels and bows his head, praying quietly, then looks up as if he’s listening.)
SIMEON: “Yes, Lord, I will go to the Temple today. I’ll leave right now.”
(Simeon walks off stage, going to the Temple.)

Scene III: In the Temple

JOSEPH: “Mary, you must wait here while I go in to the priests with the sacrifice.”
(Joseph walks off stage, then returns shortly afterward. Mary and Joseph walk back and forth on the stage, carrying baby Jesus. Simeon approaches them.)
SIMEON: “May I see your baby?”
MARY AND JOSEPH: “Yes. Here, would you like to hold him?”
SIMEON: (He holds baby Jesus as he speaks. He seems to be speaking both to God and to Mary and Joseph) “Lord, I praise you, for you’ve kept your promise to me and to your people! You are allowing me to hold the promised One before I die! This baby will bring salvation for all people. He will be a light to the Gentiles and glory to your people Israel.”
(Mary and Joseph listen. They are quietly awestruck by what Simeon is saying. Simeon turns and speaks directly to Mary.)
SIMEON: “This child will cause the falling and rising of many in Israel. He will be a sign that will be spoken against, and the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. You, too, will experience great suffering.”
(As Simeon is speaking, Anna comes up behind Joseph and Mary. When Simeon is done speaking, he steps back to one side, and Anna looks at Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus.)
ANNA: (speaking prayerfully to God) “Thank you, Lord, for letting me see your promised One!” (Anna embraces Mary, Joseph and the baby affectionately.)

SCENE IV: On the way back home: (an ending suggested by the editor)

This scene takes place in front of the stage where everyone has a puppet to answer the teacher's questions. The teacher asks each character to respond from their character's point of view. Suggested Questions: What did Mary and Joseph talk about on the way home? What did Simeon and Anna say to others in the Temple after they had made their predictions? What would Simeon say to our class? How are we all like Anna every year...thanking God for letting us "see" the Christ child?

Other Possible Discussion Questions:

  1. What did Simeon mean when he thanked God for keeping his promises? (ANS: He meant two things. First, there were many prophecies about the coming of God’s Son in the Old Testament; these were promises to God’s people, the Jews. Second, God had especially promised Simeon that he would get to see the Messiah, God’s Son (Jesus) before he died.)
  2. Who was Anna talking about when called Jesus the “promised One”? (ANS: She meant God’s Son, the one who would die on the cross for our sins and be raised on the third day.)
  3. How did Anna and Simeon know about the promised Son of God? (ANS: They had spent time learning and meditating on God’s word, the Bible, and they each spent much time in prayer.)
  4. What attitude did both Simeon and Anna have toward God when they saw baby Jesus? (ANS: Each one was thankful, praising and loving God.)

Journal: Suppose you were a child who happened to meet Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus after hearing from Anna that Jesus was the Savior God promised to send. What would you think of baby Jesus? What questions would you ask Mary and Joseph?


Close with "Anna and Simeon's Prayer.
Pass around the Simeon and Anna Prayers asking each child to move the puppet into a praying position and speak a line of prayer in the puppet's voice thanking God for something in the story, and for letting them know the Christ Child. You may write their suggestions on a flipchart and have students take a suggestion and turn it into their prayer during their turn with the puppet.

Celebrating is a privilege God gives us each and every year. Invite the children to come back next week and to bring their Bibles as they attend their next workshop.

This lesson contributed by Silverdale UMC
It is based on lessons ideas previously posted at and additional presentation ideas were contributed by Neil MacQueen.

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