Jesus' Birth through the Eyes of Joseph, Mary, Inn Keeper, Simeon, Anna
Drama Workshop
Jesus' Birth - Newsroom Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
The children will hold a press conference concerning the birth of Jesus, through the eyes of Joseph, Mary, Inn Keeper, Simeon and Anna.
Moderator copied this over from the "Jesus Birth" forum as it includes Simon and Anna and could easily be adapted to focus more on their characters.
Scripture Reference:
Luke 2: 1-20, Luke 2:21-38 , Matthew 1: 1-16
Memory Verse:
"I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you, he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Luke 2:11-12 (NIV)
Lesson Objectives:
- Know that Jesus' genealogy fulfills prophesies
- Know that many old testament characters play an important role in Jesus' lineage
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture passages and lesson plan.
- Learn the memory verse.
- Check out the room before your first Sunday workshop so that you know where everything is located.
- Preview the cameras and know how to operate them.
- Make press badges
- Simeon & Anna cue cards since these are lesser known characters
Materials List:
- Movie camera with fresh tape
- Microphones
- TV
- Bible time costumes
- Baby doll and baby toiletries
- Press badges
- "Kids on the Move" Zion 7 News Holiday Pack Christmas 1 & 2 (aka KOTM)
Advance Preparation Requirements:
- Remove anchor desk
- Manger scene backdrop
- Place chairs for an audience to face the press conference 'platform'
Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction
Greet the children and introduce yourself as well as any new child.
Open with prayer
Explain the purpose of this workshop: "Today, we will hold a press conference concerning the Birth Narrative. We will have a few of you portray our main characters while the rest of you will be the press who are asking questions.
Dig- Main Content and Reflection
Scripture/Bible Story:
Read the scripture: Luke 2:1-12, 21-38
There will not be a full suggested script for this lesson, only an opening, closing, and suggested press questions. The actors should be encouraged to become their character and try to imagine what they would have thought and felt about their role in our Savior's birth.
Characters: narrator, Joseph, reporter, Mary, Inn Keeper, Simeon, Anna
director: Lights!……Camera!……Action!
narrator: We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you
this special announcement. Joseph, the carpenter's son, has agreed to make a full statement concerning the birth of his fiancÉ's child, Jesus. We'll cut now to go live to Bethlehem, where our reporter is standing by waiting to begin the press conference.
reporter: I'm here in Bethlehem at the town's well where everyone is
waiting for the guests of honor, Joseph, Mary, and a few others. There has been a lot of different versions as to the unusual circumstances surround this "barn baby", and these people have agreed to help set the facts straight. If you listen closely, you can hear the press buzzing disbelief about this lowly baby being the fulfillment of scripture. The guests should be arriving soon. (pause) Wait, here they come now!
Joseph, Mary (carrying baby), Inn Keeper, Simeon, Anna enter)
reporter: Welcome, esteemed collegues! We are honored you would
join us! Why don't begin with introductions? One at a time, would you each please state your name and give us a brief description of your role?
(each character should introduce himself and give a good descriptive idea as to his role)
reporter: Now that everyone is introduced, we'll begin taking
(encourage the 'press' to ask a lot of questions. Each child with a question should raise their hand and wait to be called upon. At that point, the child is to stand and introduce herself, "Hi, Simeon, I am Gracie from FUMC Beebe and I have a question….")
Suggested Questions:
- Mary, how did you feel when you found out you would be having a baby?
- Joseph, did you have any doubts about Mary and her story?
- Simeon, how old did you say you were? What made you think this baby was the promised Messiah?
- Anna, is it true that you never left the Temple? If so, what led you to believe this baby was The One?
- Mr. Inn Keeper, if you had known this baby was special, would you have provided better arrangements?
Remember to encourage the children to think of their own questions!
reporter: Well, Joseph, Mary, Simeon, Anna, and Mr. Inn Keeper,
thank you all for sharing your stories with us and helping us to better understand and believe in our own salvation through this special child. Mary, with your permission, I'm certain we would all like the opportunity to see this gift from God.
narrator: Well, as you can see, this has been a very special press
conference. It seems as though many people have come to believe this child is indeed special; a special gift from God to us. This child, in fact, is God in human form, whom has come to offer us salvation. What better gift is there?
director: CUT!
End of script
Reflection- ask the following questions:
- If we could have a Press Conference with God right now what questions would you ask Him about Christmas?
- How do you think He would respond?
- Why do you think some people immediately knew who Jesus was and others never accepted it?
- If this story happened today, would you believe it? Would you believe someone who told you they had seen an angel? Or that the Messiah was here?
Additional Suggestions:
If you have a lot of time left, show the KOTM Zion 7 News presentation
Close with prayer
Tidy and Dismissal: Ask children to help tidy the room. Give any specific instructions for clearing the workshop room.
A lesson written by Cissy Green from: First UMC
Beebe, Arkansas