Simeon & Anna
Art Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
In this workshop, the learners will learn how ‘special’ they are and what their ‘special’ gifts are. As we hear in our Bible story, Simeon and Anna knew how ‘special’ baby Jesus was well before many others. In this workshop, the students will take a good look at themselves, then with either hand drawings or magazine pictures, compose a picture of themselves and what ‘special’ things they have to offer.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture ahead of time.
- Gather the following materials:
- Children’s Holy Bible (Contemporary English Version
- Various Bibles with pictures of Simeon and Anna
- Construction paper (white/large size)
- Markers, crayons
- Scissors
- Magazines (age appropriate) to cut pictures from
- Glue
- Several hand-held mirrors
- Polaroid Instant Camera with film
- Sample of an “Inside and Outside” picture
- Pencils.
Opening- Welcome and introductions:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Remember that you are interacting with a different group of students each week—some may not know you. Wear your nametag and make sure that the children are wearing theirs.
Dig- Main Content and Reflection
1. Have the students sit where you would like them to during the reading of the story from the Bible. The teacher will read the story, using the ABS Children’s Bible. Read the story beginning with “Simeon Praises the Lord” through “Anna Speaks about the Child Jesus” on page 1228. Various Bibles will be provided for you that have pictures of Simeon and Anna. Please share these with the class. Either during or after reading the Bible story, the following points need to be made:
- As you read about Simeon, remind the children that he had been waiting day after day for a very long time, in hopes of seeing the Messiah, as God had promised him he would before he died. He was looking for something ‘special’ about one of the babies that came to the temple.
- Simeon listened closely as parents entered the temple area to offer their proper sacrifices for their firstborn. He was listening to see if the parents and child matched the prophecies and the Law . . . the something ‘special’ that God spoke to him about.
- Simeon listened carefully to hear what tribe the parents came from. Did the parent’s family history go back through the house of David? (Yes, Joseph is descended from the line of David—see Matthew1:1-17 if necessary.) Was the child born in Bethlehem? (Where was Jesus born?)
- Anna prayed daily for her people to be freed from their suffering. God blessed Anna that day in allowing her to see the Messiah (Jesus), the ‘special’ baby that would grow into a man who would heal her people. Until Anna’s death, she would speak of seeing this ‘special’ baby.
2. Tell the students that today they are going to make a self-portrait. It is called “Inside and Outside.” On the outside of their portrait, they can draw a picture of themselves. If they need help, hand mirrors will be provided. (Or see step 3 below for an alternative to drawing.) They can use pencils, crayons, markers, etc. The paper they use will be folded, so that when it opens, you can look at the inside. (An example will be provided). On the inside paper, the students can either draw pictures or cut pictures from magazines, that represent what is ‘special’ about themselves . . . what they like to do, what is important to them, how they can help others. Examples: they can sing; like to read or hike; they are gymnasts, football players, tennis or soccer players; they can paint; play music; pray; they want to be teachers, builders, doctors, etc. Please make sure each child writes their name on the front of their picture. Please keep the pictures so that we can display them in the Sunday school wing.
3. If you prefer, or if some of the children find it easier, a Polaroid Instant camera will be provided. An actual picture of the child could be on the front of their paper, with the inside done as directed above.
Bring the children back together as a group. Let them share with each other their portraits and what they think is ‘special’ about themselves. Remind them that in God’s eyes we are all special. We are God’s children and God loves each and every one of us.
Closing prayer:
Close the class with a prayer of your own, or use the following:
Dear God, thank you for the ‘special’ gifts that you have given each and every one of us. Help us to use our ‘special’ gifts to help others. Amen.
Journal Time:
Help the shepherd pass out the journals. Have them answer the following:
"My special gift is . . ."
Written by Jan Marshall from Brenthaven Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Brentwood, TN