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Acts 12: Peter Escapes from Prison in Jerusalem

Drama Workshop


  • Write the names of the characters on individual slips of paper.
  • lace in a basket.
  • Camera
  • Copies of script for older students (the teacher will serve as narrator for younger kids)
  • Signs for each scene
  • Bibles or a Bible storybook with this story in it
  • Materials to build Peter's prison cell (see below)

Advanced Preparation:

  • Create a "prison cell" area in your classroom for this drama and where will begin your Bible study.
  • Copy the script for the older age group.
  • Make signs for each scene (The Church is persecuted, Peter is thrown into prison, Escape, Mary's House, The Next Morning)

Ideas for Creating Peter's Prison Cell

Place a canvas painter's tarp on the floor in the corner of a classroom. Lay some folding tables on their side to form low walls (to give the feeling of an enclosure). You may also use paper painter's dropcloths tacked to the walls or covering the tables.

In the photo on the right, the Sunday School class used painter's paper dropcloths and some plastic pipe. The paper is covering the walls and two tables at the entrance. A canvas tarp is on the floor.

For Peter's chains (and those of your students), a long piece of decorative black lamp chain will do. Instead of wrapping it around their wrist, you can tie it with string. Alternatively, cut loops of twine and make a "rope chain." The kids' imaginations will take over from there!

Lesson Plan

Directions Upon Arrival:

As children arrive, have them choose a slip of paper for their role in the skit. Next, have them select costumes and props and go "sit in prison."  Have a "jailer" in the prison loosely wrapping chains around their wrists. (Use lamp swag chain or loops of twine you've prepared. This will get them in the mood and anticipating your lesson!)


Welcome the children to their "Jail Cell in Jerusalem" for today's lesson.  Tell what they'll be doing and what you hope they will learn.


Have students find Acts 12 in their Bibles, then have someone dramatically read the story of Peter's escape, Acts 12:1-19. If you have several older students who can read this dramatically, assign certain paragraphs of the story to them.


  1. Why was Peter arrested?
  2. What do you think was going through his mind?
  3. Would you have been able to sleep that night like Peter did (bound and guarded)?
  4. Do you think Peter KNEW he was going to be rescued?
  5. What did Peter think was happening to him when the angel appeared and his chains fell off?  Would you have believed what was happening to you?
  6. God did not rescue every Christian who was arrested. In verse 2 we learn that James the brother of John was executed.  Why do you think God sent an angel to rescue PETER?

    (This is an interesting question that is answered in the Bible Background. In brief, God needed Peter's reputation and authority to eventually welcome Paul and approve of what Paul was doing to spread the Gospel. Those praying for Peter's release probably had no idea what was coming in Acts 15 when Paul would come to Jerusalem seeking the disciple's approval of his ministry beyond Jews to the Gentiles.  Note: We are all Gentiles!)

  7. What "chains" hold people back from believing in Jesus and serving others?
  8. What great things do you think God wants you to BE FREEand UNAFRAID to DO?

Drama: Peter's Prison Break!

The script follows the text of Acts 12 very closely. The goal is deeper memory and understanding of the story, not a polished performance. You can "stage" it as simply or as elaborately as your kids are able. Initially, you'll probably need to prompt them to pose and speak dramatically. Your "rehearsal" is a major opportunity to help them remember and get into the story, it's also an opportunity to share and reinforce insights.

Narrator, Peter, King Herod, Rhoda, Believers, Prison Guards.

Costumes: basic biblical costumes, angel costume and soldier's costumes
Peter - chains
King Herod - crown
Guards - swords, helmets
Black foam core board cut to resemble prison bars


  1. Quickly assign parts and get into costume.
  2. Children who do not wish to have speaking parts can move props and hold signs.
  3. Read through the script -- pausing to allow children to act it out.
  4. Have a volunteer take several photographs of each scene as the drama progresses.

Option for Younger Children:
"Salt" the drama with teens and helpers for your younger children to imitate. Narrate the entire script with pauses and prompts that allow the children to act out. For key moments and verses, say things like, "Let's say that together."


View the photos of the drama by connecting your camera or cellphone to a large screen. This will not only be fun, it will be a good opportunity to reinforce key moments and insights.

Take some of the chain you used and open some of the links to give each student a piece of chain about 3 links long as a reminder of today's lesson and God's desire that we "not hold back" our believing and serving.

Script: Peter's Prison Break!

Scene 1: The Church is Persecuted, Death of James

Narrator: It was about this time that the church and followers of Jesus began to be persecuted. The Jewish leaders hated the believers and did everything they could to stop them. Now there was also at this time an evil king, called Herod Agrippa. He wanted the Jewish leaders to like him. What better way to become popular with the Jewish leaders than to arrest and persecute the Christians!

King Herod: Arrest and kill the apostle James with your sword.

Narrator: And just as Herod ordered, it was done. James, the brother of John, was killed. The believers felt terrible as you can imagine. How could something so terrible happen to James? But through their sadness, they continued to meet together, to worship God and to pray.

Not everyone was sad about James' death. The Jewish leaders were happy to see him gone. And King Herod was happy that the Jewish leaders were happy. He was getting more popular by the minute! If killing James made him popular, what would happen if he had Peter killed? After all, Peter was the leader of the church! Killing Peter would definitely make King Herod VERY popular with the Jewish leaders. But he also knew that it was Passover, the time of a very special feast for the Jews. The Jewish leaders would be angry if a killing took place at Passover. He would have to wait until after Passover.

Scene 2: Peter is Thrown into Prison

King Herod: Arrest Peter! Put him in prison!

Soldiers: Yes Sir! (walk off stage and drag Peter onto stage and into "prison")

Narrator: King Herod assigned four sets of guards to Peter. Two guards stayed inside the cell with him, chained on either side of him. Two were outside. The sets of guards rotated their watch. King Herod wanted to make sure Peter didn't escape!

(Soldiers chained to Peter and sitting on stage floor)

Narrator: Now the church was very upset about the news. They began praying very hard to God for Peter. They continued to pray….

The night before Peter's trial, while Peter was sleeping between the two guards suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a bright light shone in the darkness.

(Angel stands beside Peter and guards. Turn on spotlight.)
The angel touched Peter on the side and woke him up.

Angel: Peter, quick! Get up!

Narrator: Peter obeyed the angel. He stood up and the chains fell away.

(Peter stands up and the chains fall away. Rubs eyes as if trying to wake up.)

Angel: Quick! Get dressed and follow me.

(Peter puts cloak on himself and follows angel out of prison)

Scene 3: Escape!

Narrator: Amazingly, the two guards who were chained to Peter didn't wake up. The guards outside the cell didn't notice anything either. Peter and the angel walked right past them! Peter did not know what was really happening. He thought he must be dreaming.

Peter: This must be a dream… like the dream I had of the sheet with animals before.

(Peter and angel link arms and pretend to walk away)

Narrator: Peter and the angel walked out of the prison past the guards. They came to the iron gate that led to the city. It opened up for them and they passed through. They walked down one more street and suddenly the angel was gone.

Then Peter realized that he was not dreaming after all! God had sent the angel to save him!

Peter: Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel to rescue me! Praise God!

(Peter looks around for angel, then raises his hands to praise God)

Narrator: Peter hurried to Mary's house, where he knew the people would be gathered praying.

Scene 4: Mary's House

Narrator: Peter arrived at the house and knocked at the outer door. A girl named Rhoda heard the knock and came to answer the door.

(Believers kneeling on stage praying hard. Peter knocks on side of prop box and calls out in a loud voice)

Peter: It's me, Peter. Let me in.

Narrator: Rhoda recognized Peter's voice and she was overjoyed to hear him….but instead of opening the door to let him in, she ran back to the group.

(Rhoda moves to side of stage by prop box, holds hand to ear as if listening, then acts excited and runs back to church people who are still praying)

Rhoda: Peter is at the door!

Narrator: But the people did not believe Rhoda. They thought she was crazy!

Believers: What! You must be out of your mind!

Rhoda: No, really! It's true! Peter is at the door! I heard him. I would know his voice anywhere!

Believers: It must be his angel.

Narrator: But Peter kept knocking. Finally they opened the door and saw him. They were astonished!

(People act surprised, hugging Peter and bring him in to the center stage)

Peter: God sent an angel to rescue me. He filled my prison cell with bright light and the chains fell right off me. Then we walked right out of the prison and no one stopped us!

Scene 5: The next morning…

Narrator: Now the next morning, there was a huge commotion! The soldiers could not believe that Peter was gone!

Soldiers: How can this be? We were chained to him! It's impossible that he escaped.

Narrator: Herod was furious. He ordered a search for Peter but no one could find him. He was so angry, he ordered all the guards to be executed!

But the believers rejoiced that God had saved Peter. And they continued to worship God and to pray prayers of thanksgiving and praise!

The End….

A lesson from State Street UMC,
Bristol, VA,

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