What Does God Want Us To See & Do ?
An at-home, in class, or fellowship time lesson or devotion
Matthew 25:31-40, Micah 6:8, Isaiah 6:8
Discussion Outline:
1. How do we "see" God? What does God want us to do with our lives? Let a few people try and answer those questions, then read these two short passages and then ask the questions again.
Matthew 25:31-40 I was hungry, I was a stranger, I was sick, I was in prison... just as you did it to one of the least of these --- you did it to me.’
Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God.
2. How can we learn to see and do what God wants us to? Let a few answer that question, then play the video and ask the question again. What does the song suggest?
Music Video: "Open the Eyes of My Heart," as sung by DeAngelo Gardner
DeAngelo Gardner is a little known gospel singer outside of the worship-singer circuit, but his rendition of the popular song, "Open The Eyes of My Heart" is about as good as it gets. More importantly, this contemporary song raises an important issue these days: "Lord, what do we need to have our eyes opened about right now? Where are you in all this mess?" And on that subject, Jesus had some profound words.
Here's the YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/0HDCRS-gsi0
3. Lyrics and Questions to Ponder:
- What does it mean to have your eyes "opened" to something?
- What have your eyes been "opened" about during the past year or two in your personal life, in our family, in our society?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how cool would it be to close your eyes, then open them to find JESUS sitting right here with us?
- What questions would you ask him?
- What question about your life do you think Jesus would ask YOU?
4. What Now?
The lyrics to "Open the Eyes of My Heart" are based on Isaiah 6 where the prophet Isaiah sees six-winged "Seraphs" hovering over the presence of God and shouting "Holy, Holy, Holy." Then Isaiah hears God's voice saying:
8 “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
(And Isaiah responds) “Here am I. Send me!”
Ask: What and when have I said to God, "here I am, send me"?
Ask: Name a couple of things each of you could be "sent" to do by God right now and in the days and weeks ahead. (Be sure to consider Matthew 25's suggestions.)
Ask: What's it going to take to get us to raise our hand to God and do what these three scriptures are talking about?
End with prayer thanking God for the eyes of faith showing you how God wants you to live your life and serve others, and for the strength to carry through on this calling.
Written by Neil MacQueen, member of the Rotation.org Writing Team
Lyrics to Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You
I want to see You
Shinin' in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy, holy, holy
Shinin' in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy, holy, holy
Shinin' in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy, holy, holy
We cry holy, holy, holy
You are holy, holy, holy
I want to see you