An Offering of Thanks from Church Leaders
At your next council meeting, hand out a wide variety of thank you cards to church leaders and give them the name of two or three teachers. Invite them to write a personal note of thanks to the teachers and put the cards in a box or bag to accompany a small plant or some sort of locally-produced goody.
Have the council choose something special to give to the Sunday School and dedicate it in appreciation for the teachers' and students' efforts.
Wrap it and have teachers and kids open it up during the "offering" part of worship. (You could give it on Pentecost as a "birthday gift" to the program. Certainly, Sunday School is a great example of sharing the Word in many "languages.")
For example: An Overhead Camera Projector (less than $100) that would allow teachers to share Bible maps, storybooks, and illustrations on a large screen.
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