Jesus Calls Disciples to His Table
The following fan-created music video shows many of the disciples and people Jesus called/cared for, forgave set to the popular tune "Come to the Table" by Sidewalk Prophets. Powerful images.
"Table" is a metaphor, of course, for being called into fellowship, into forgiveness, and into service.
Can you recognize all the people/disciples and the scenes? If you've been watching The Chosen, it's easier. If showing to children, you can name them. The video is a bit dark in places, but is easier to watch on a large screen/darker room.
This would be a good one for Sunday School lessons about the Call of the Disciples and about the Last Supper, Communion.
We all start on the outside
We're outside looking in
This is where grace begins
We were hungry, we were thirsty
With nothing left to give
Oh, the shape that we were in
And just when all hope seemed lost
Love opened the door for us
He said, "Come to the table
Come join the sinners who have been redeemed"
Take your place beside the Savior
Sit down and be set free
Come to the table
Come meet this mighty crew of misfits
These liars and these thieves
There's no one unwelcome here
And that sin and shame that you brought with you
You can leave it at the door
And let mercy draw you near
So, come to the table
Come join the sinners who have been redeemed
Take your place beside the Savior
Sit down and be set free
Come to the table
Come to the table
To the thief and to the doubter
To the hero and the coward
To the prisoner and the soldier
To the young and to the older
All who hunger, all who thirst
All the last and all the first
All the paupers and the princess
All who fail, you've been forgiven
All who dream and all who suffer
All who loved and lost another
All the chained and all the free
All who follow, all who lead
Anyone who's been let down
All the lost, you have been found
All who've been labeled right or wrong
To everyone who hears this song, oh!
Come to the table
Come join the sinners, you have been redeemed
Take your place beside the Savior
Sit down and be set free, whoa
Sit down and be set free
Come to the table
Come to the table
Sit down and be set free
Come to the table