Add your experiences and lesson ideas for using marbling techniques in the Art Workshop to teach Bible stories.
Pictured above: A technique that uses shaving cream and ink at Looks like Pentecost paper! Read more about it below.
Note: There are many similar "marbling" techniques. Some use shaving cream for more control of the colors. You can use a variety of paint-types, including inks, acrylics, fabric puff paints, and fabric dyes. Some marble paper, others like this video demo use fabrics like pillow cases and discuss do's and dont's.
The inks and paints can be applied "as is" to the shaving cream base, or pre-mixed with a little bit of shaving cream to give them body as you dribble them into the shaving cream base.
Whichever paints you choose, you'll want your young artists to try MANY different colors and techniques, so set up more than one station.
The following video is one of many you can find on YouTube about marbling. We've selected it because it shows various techniques and papers.