
Reply to "ART Workshop Lessons and Ideas for teaching about the Wisemen/Magi"

Jesus' Birth through the Eyes of the Wise Men

Potpourri Scent Bags Art Workshop
We call our Art Workshop: "My Father’s Workshop"

Summary of Lesson Activity:

Make potpourri bags as reminders of the good gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 2:1-12

Memory Verse:

“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3

Leader Preparations:

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Prepare one of the “Good Scents” projects at home and bring in to show.
  • Gather the following materials:
    • Bibles
    • Fabric netting
    • Scissors
    • Cotton balls
    • Frankincense & myrrh oils
    • Ribbon for tying
    • Wide gold ribbon
    • Baby wipes
  • On the day of class:
    • Have each kid’s station ready to go with materials.
    • Perhaps for younger students, pre-cut the netting fabric.

Lesson Plan

Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction

Greet the children and introduce yourself.
Have a short prayer to ask God to be with us as we learn more about his word and how we can follow him.

Dig- Main Content and Reflection

Open with discussion (answers to questions are in parenthesis).

  • Does anyone know the names of the Wisemen? (Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar) *
  • What three gifts did they bring to Jesus? (Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh)
  • What three gifts would you like to receive today? (any answer is fine)
  • What three gifts would you like to give to Jesus today? (offer help)
  • Discuss ways in which we can be The Wisemen of today by seeking out Jesus today…(praying for others, treating people nice, behaving for parents, attending Sunday School, etc.)

Art Project: ”Good Scents” potpourri bags as reminders of the gifts The Wisemen brought to Jesus.

Cut fabric netting into 4-inch squares. Put a few drops of frankincense oil on three cotton balls. Do the same with the myrrh oil. Put the three cotton balls into the center of the square netting. Pull up the corners and tie them with thin strips of ribbon to make a little bag. Have each child make two of each kind of scent. Staple the four bags to a wide strip of gold ribbon.

Tell the kids to hang their potpourri bags in their closets to remind them of something they can do for Jesus. (Or perhaps give them away as a gift to someone.)


Have the children assist in the cleanup and close with a prayer.

Good Scents idea found in Abington’s Bible Zone “Jesus Son of God” Book, 1997.

A lesson written by Liz Weingart from Canfield Presbyterian Church, Canfield, OH

* Editor's Note: Margie at Forest Hill United Church pointed out that the initial discussion questions could be misleading to children. She noted: "There is no biblical reference to either the number or names of the Magi. These are traditions that have developed from the three gifts and our need to name." See below for her suggested adaptation.

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