
Reply to "ART Workshop Lessons and Ideas for teaching about the Wisemen/Magi"

The Magi Star Coupon Art Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Children will each make a set of star-shaped coupons as a gift for someone in their family.
Note: This activity is appropriate regardless of the fact that it may be done after Christmas is over! Gifts are always a good thing.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 2:1-12

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.  sample-coupon
  • Read the background materials.
  • Create a large, rectangular gift "coupon."
  • Decide how you will attach together the stars -- using staplers, or paper punches with brads, or tied with yarn, or placed on a snap-closure binder ring.
  • Print out a picture of the wise men which includes a bright star, such as one of these, or use a picture in a Bible storybook.
  • Gather the following:
    • Stars - precut from a heavier paper (not construction paper); 5 -10 per child, depending on the age of the students
    • For younger students create a "last page" star (**See lesson notes below**). Also, gather glue sticks.
    • Pens - one per student (for younger students: may need to have extra hands available to write gift ideas on the stars)
    • Markers or colored pencils or gel pens (optional)
    • Stickers (optional)
    • Supplies needed to attach the stars together (staplers, brads, yarn, etc.) If you are using a hole punch, pre-punch each star before class.
    • Envelopes - one per student - to fit the created stars

Lesson Plan


Do:  Greet the children and introduce yourself and any helpers that you have.
Show them the picture of the wisemen following a star.
Find out what your students already know about the Bible story of the wisemen (also called "Kings" or "Magi.")

Ask: These wisemen traveled a long way to see Jesus. How did they know where to find Jesus? (if necessary show them the picture again)

Say: That's correct; they followed a star! Today our lesson will focus on the wisemen who followed a special star to find Jesus. Because these wisemen brought Jesus gifts, we’ll be working with some paper stars to create a special gift for someone in your family. First, let's read our story.

Ask:  If we want to read a story about Jesus, where would we find it – in the Old Testament or the New Testament of the Bible? (in the New Testament)
What are the names of the first four books of the New Testament? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
Say: We find the story of the wisemen only in the Gospel of Matthew.

Do:  Read the Bible story in Matthew 2:1-12.

Note:  If this is a week early in the Rotation, read the scripture together. Towards the end of the Rotation, ask the students if they can tell you the story. Use the Bible to fill in any missing details.


Ask: I wonder what you learned about the wisemen story, that you didn’t know before? (accept any replies)

Say: Listen carefully to this verse of our story. Let's listen to hear the gifts the wisemen brought Jesus.
Do: Re-read verse 11. ("On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.")

Ask:  Gold would be a practical gift; that would be like giving money, but who can tell me what frankincense and myrrh are? (allow any responses)
Say:  Frankincense is a tree sap that was burned to enjoy its sweet smell. Myrrh is also a scented tree sap.

For older students:
Do:  Share that Frankincense was used in the Temple; it was burned to honor God, Myrrh was used to prepare a body for burial.

Ask: Frankincense and myrrh... I wonder if you've ever given such gifts? (allow replies)

Say:  Frankincense and myrrh were important and useful gifts in the time of Jesus, but let's talk about a gift that we could bring to people important to us today.

Do: Show them the coupon you created.

Ask: To whom could you give a coupon like this, as a gift?
I wonder what you think of the idea of giving a gift of your time and your energy?

Say: The wisemen brought special gifts to Jesus. To remember this story, we'll create a special gift of coupons to give to one person in particular; someone in your family. We will write several coupons. Let's write each coupon on a star!

Make coupon ‘stars’

  1. Have each child decide who will receive their gift of coupon stars.
  2. Distribute supplies to those who have decided who will be the recipient of their gift.
  3. Have them decide gifts to give and write each gift on a star. (For younger students, you may need to help them with the writing.)
  4. Continue until they have filled out several stars.
  5. Make a cover page/star (“My gifts to you” - with the receiver’s name).
  6. Make an ‘ending’ page with these words (or something similar): “No matter what the gift is... Jesus is the best gift of all."
    (**May wish to preprint these words for younger students. Leave room for the students to sign their name. Cut into an appropriate size, and provide glue sticks to glue them on to the last star page.)
  7. They may then decorate the stars with markers, stickers, etc. (optional)
  8. Attach together the stars.
  9. Place the completed, attached stars in an envelope, and write the recipient's name on it.

Close with a prayer.

Send children home with their envelope of gift stars.

A lesson written by Carol Hulbert for,
from an idea originally posted by Rachel Haugland from: Bethel Lutheran/Elim Lutheran Churches,  Iowa.


Images (1)
  • sample-coupon
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