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Trial and Crucifixion

Art Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Children will create a banner depicting various scenes from Jesus' trial and crucifixion.

Scripture Reference:

Luke 22-23 with special emphasis on the crucifixion, betrayal, denial, trial, and carrying the cross. Each week will emphasize a different portion in the following order: crucifixion, Judas, Peter, trial, Simon of Cyrene.


  • Jesus suffered and died so that our souls can live forever.
  • Jesus is obedient to God.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will learn that Jesus’ last day was filled with suffering and sacrifice, just as God had foretold. Although other accounts vary, this lesson should be Luke’s story.
  • Students will think about God’s plan. Crucifixion was a very cruel form of punishment and they may question why he didn’t save himself. The children should be reminded that Jesus didn’t just die, but he rose from the dead on Easter.
  • The children will learn that Jesus in death became our protection just like the sacrificed lambs protected the Hebrew people in Moses’ time. As God’s son, he lived and died like all men. His death to save our souls was a gift from God to all of us.
  • The children will assemble a portion of a community banner that when complete will remind everyone of the sacrifice on Jesus’ last day.


Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture passages and attend the Faith Quest Workshop Leaders Bible Study.
  • Prepare an opening prayer in case nobody volunteers to pray.
  • Prepare the basic banner. Draw in pencil, the images, background, etc. Cut out fabric pieces to create the image. Number each piece and its location. Keep the pieces for each square or picture separate. The children will glue the pieces onto the banner to creat the picture
  • Gather the Materials

Materials List:

  • Scissors (for first week only).
  • Cut wrapping paper sections to protect areas not being worked on - anchor with paper clips.
  • Felt and Liquid Stitch glue
  • Fabric pieces and banner

Lesson Plan


Welcome the children and introduce yourself. Wear your name tag.

Start the “lesson time” with prayer. Ask for volunteers, but plan on praying yourself. A short prayer thanking God for being a part of our lives would be appropriate. Ask God to help us to be aware of God’s presence so that we may do good things as Jesus has taught us.


Bible Story:

  1. Discuss the background to today’s story: Jesus has come to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover.
    In our last lesson we learned that God protected the Hebrew people from death by telling them to sacrifice a lamb (Unit lessons on Moses, the Plagues and Passover).
    At this Passover supper, Jesus tells his disciples that he will soon die and enter God’s kingdom and many other things that will also happen (22:16, 18, 21, 34, 37).
    After the meal, Jesus and his disciples went to the Mount of Olives to pray. While they were there, Judas came with some people and, according to plan, kissed Jesus so that they would know who he was and arrest him (22:4-6, 47-53).
    Soon after, Peter in confusion denied being a follower of Jesus three times before the cock crowed at sunrise, just as Jesus had predicted (22:31-34, 54-62).
    Jesus was questioned by priests and the rulers Pilate and Herod. Pilate and Herod did not want to kill Jesus, but some people were angry because they understood Jesus to say that he was the Son of God.
    At Jesus’ last supper he said that soon people would accuse him of being a criminal (22:37). They yelled for him to be crucified - die while nailed to a cross (22:66- 23:1-23). Jesus was made to carry the heavy wooden cross that he would be crucified on. He was probably very tired from being awake all night and suffering from being moved from one place to another and made fun of.
    Some soldiers saw that Jesus could not carry the cross alone and had a man named Simon of Cyrene help him. Simon was just happening by, but he did help Jesus.
    As he walked, Jesus was not bitter, but offered comfort to crying women along the road (23:26-28).
    Jesus was taken to a place called The Skull and nailed to the cross.
    Jesus said, “Father forgive these people! They don’t know what they are doing.”
    While Jesus hung from the cross, people made fun of him. Soldiers gambled for his clothes and criminals on nearby crosses insulted him, yet he forgave them all.
    Jesus’ followers watched sadly from a distance while he died (23:32-48).
    Jesus was like the sacrificed lamb at Passover - he died to save us.
  2. Spend a short amount of time on the scripture passages referenced above. Have the children use their Bibles to locate the story. Focus on the crucifixion the first week but briefly tell the background of the other events during his final day. During the second week, focus on the crucifixion and Judas’ part. Week three, focus on the crucifixion and Peter’s part. Week four, focus on the crucifixion and the trials. Week five, focus on the crucifixion and the carrying of the cross. Explain that Jesus is the perfect example of being completely obedient to God. He faced death calmly and with majesty.
  3. Take a minute to talk to the children about the creation they are going to be doing in this workshop. Tell them that they will be assembling a portion of a banner which will hang in the Great Hall and remind everyone of the sacrifice on Jesus’ last day.


  1. Have the children put on smocks. The glue is non-toxic but permanent when fully dry. It will wash off hands before totally dry. The glue should be thinly spread on the reverse side of each fabric piece (squeeze a thin line and spread with fingers) and then firmly and frequently press down in the marked location (pieces are keyed with letters of the alphabet marked on the reverse to match alphabet marked sections of the banner).
  2. Create! The completed banner will be 3’W x 4.5’ H. The cross with a lamb in the center, the scripture reference and a purple drape for sadness will go on the first week. Successive weeks will do the four corners: upper left - Judas’ kiss, upper right - Peter’s denial, lower left - the trial, lower right - carrying the cross.
  3. Show the children what the completed banner will look like and then make available the section materials they will be using. Using wrapping paper, mask the areas not being worked on during each week. In several places, the background will appear as one of the colors in the composition.
  4. Each week’s depiction can be treated as a puzzle to start. Have the children arrange the pieces of that week’s picture on the banner. Assign pieces to be glued on reverse side to one or two children (larger sections may even need three kids to spread glue thinly). All gluing should be done at a separate table and the pieces then carried back to the banner to be carefully and firmly pressed into place. Helpers should assist in aligning the felt. Try not to get glue in the front. Frequent pressing is necessary.
  5. The sequence of work is as follows: Week 1 - Cross with lamb and purple drape. Also, the Bible reference - Luke 22-23:49 should be cut out and applied where drawn, Week 2 - Kiss of Judas, Week 3 - Peter’s denial, Week 4 - Trial, Week 5 - Simon helps carry the cross.
  6. At the end of each week’s work, it would be best to leave the banner laying flat so that the glue can properly dry.
  7. Clean up! Involve all kids in this so that you will have time to share together in the closing.


Shepherds will pass out the journals and pencils/markers. The children should spend a few minutes reflecting upon the morning’s lesson – Right up until his death, Jesus did God’s work, instructing and preparing his disciples to teach God’s message, forgiving and comforting people, and pledging his spirit to God.

Encourage the children to share ideas about how Jesus knew of his coming crucifixion and how he was obedient to God.

Say the Memory Verse together (see above). You may want to have this verse printed on a banner and hung in the room, write it on the white board in the room, or have it on slips of paper that each child can take home with them.

Pray! Ask the kids if they have any prayer requests. Thank God for being with us.

A lesson written by Kirk from: Kildaire Presbyterian
Cary, NC

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