Sculpt the Scripture ~ A "Play Doh" Sculpting Game
The idea for the following game was originally suggested in another lesson here at Your Content Team has updated and improved it and combined it with a story PDF already created for another lesson in this topic!
Print the Story PDF, one copy for the teacher and another copy that you cut up into strips and place in a basket for the game. The Story is an abbreviated version of the Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion of Jesus.
After reading and discussing the story PDF, students split into two teams and then one person from the first team steps forward to pull a story strip from the basket. After SILENTLY reading it, they then have 60 seconds to sculpt something from that part of the story they just read and their team tries to guess what part of the story they are sculpting.
After a team correctly guessed that part of the story being sculpted, the sculptor reads their entire story slip to the class, and play switches to the next team.
Keep track of how many seconds it takes each team to guess the sculpture. Lowest number of seconds/minutes wins.
- Print two copies of the Story PDF and cut one into strips.
- One can of Play-Doh
- One Basket
- A cellphone with the stopwatch feature on the screen
- A scorepad to record times
Possible Sculpting Rules (or make up your own)
- The sculptor cannot talk or make motions.
- Have a player from the first team choose a slip of paper from the basket without letting anyone else see what is written on the slip of paper.
- That player must then use the Play-Doh to sculpt the story or something from it.
- The player’s team has one minute to try to guess the part of the story that is being sculpted.
- They are only allowed two wrong guesses (this keeps people from blurting out parts of the story).
- If the player’s team does not guess correctly in one minute, the other team has a chance to guess.
- Once the story has been correctly identified, have the children explain how the symbol fits into the Easter story.
- Play then rotates to the next team.
- Continue playing until everyone has had a chance to sculpt part of the story. Repeat parts if necessary, but tell them they cannot reuse what the first sculptor did.
Optional Game of Sculpting OBJECTS from overall Holy Week Story, including Palm Sunday and Easter
Write each of these symbols on a small slip of paper and place in a basket.
Crown of thorns
Palm branch
Sheep or lamb
Temple Curtain
Golgotha – place of the skull