
Reply to "BIBLE SKILLS & GAMES Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Prodigal Son"

This idea was shared by Luanne Payne from Hampton United Church in Hampton, Ontario, Canada in the March 2009 Email Newsletter. If you are a Registered Member or a Supporting Member of, then you are automatically subscribed to this newsletter. Haven't received one recently? Check to make sure your email is correct in your profile. Add to your address book.

Prodigal Son

Jeopardy Style Quiz Review Game

Summary of Lesson Activity:

Review Quiz using a Jeopardy like game, with battery operated pigs as game pieces.

Key Bible Verse:

“But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. Luke 15:32 (NIV)

Lesson Objectives:

To review the Prodigal Son parable in a fun, memorable way for all ages.


  • Jeopardy Game Cards Holder (we used a Essential Pocket Chart - pictured on the right - 10 rows of clear pockets. Purchase through a educational local store or on-line.)
  • Jeopardy Cards for the Prodigal Son (see attachments)
  • Mini-White Boards & White Board Markers (OR simply make up two sets of A,B,C cards, each attached to a wood craft stick - so each team can select and hold up their answer choice at the same time.)
  • White Board & Markers – for keeping score
  • Paper Towels for cleaning whiteboard(s)
  • 2 Battery Operated Pigs
  • Wide Green Painters Tape to mark floor for team pigs
  • Straw Farmer’s Hat for Game Host (Optional)
  • Bibles or Bible Storybook (depending on age you are teaching).

attachments at the bottom

   ATTACHED TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST are the PRINTABLE QUESTION CARDS. Look for the files list, as shown in the photo on the right.

Advance Preparation:

  • Decide how your going to set-up your quiz cards (see resources for what I used).


  1. Put cards in Jeopardy Game Holder and hang up.
  2. On floor (using the wide green painters tape), where you meet with the children, mark off a start line and a finish line.  On the finish line you may want to write HOME SWEET HOME using a marker (that won’t bleed through tape).    Then place a tape line down the center to separate each pigs route.
  3. Line stools along sides, one side for each team, so they can cheer on their pig!
  4. Have your white board and markers to one side for the host (if host is wearing farm hat - set it here).


Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself. Open with a prayer.

Dig - Main Content and Reflection:

  1. Read the story to the children first (younger) or have them look-up the story in their bible (older) and take turns reading verses.  If this is in later weeks have them tell you what they remember.
  2. Give each team a White Board.  Tell them they will be writing the answer to their question on the white side of the angel (do not write on the other side as it will not wipe off). Give each team a crayon and a paper towel.  Team members can take turns writing answer or operating pig game piece.
  3. Teacher or older student becomes the host.  They can wear a farm hat!

Game Play: Jeopardy Game Style - I use the Jeopardy board game set-up, but my questions are questions with 3 answers (in general) to choose from.  This makes it easier to do it with a multi-age group and for new comers or visitors.

  1. Each team throws a dice to see who goes first.
  2. Team that wins highest dice chooses a category and a points amount question - BOTH teams choose their answer and write it down - A, B, or C and then wait for the host to confirm both teams are ready, and then, at the same time both teams display their answer.
  3. In choosing the answer, you can have the team work as a group or individually answer a question (I like them working as a team).
  4. Points are added to team's score by game host.
  5. With each question the team passes white board (or ABC cards) to  the next person in line and another person is in charge of moving the pig game piece.  So that everyone gets a turn with each!
  6. Use battery operated pigs for game pieces.  Each time a team gets a correct answer a member from there team can move the pig forward until he oinks.  If both teams get an answer correct they both move their pigs forward together. First pig across the finish line wins (or both pigs have to cross before the game is over).

Life Application:
1.  Tell the students that you want them to think about who in the parable they are most like – the son who left and returned, the son who stayed but wasn’t happy or the father who forgave. Ask if anyone would like to share their answer and tell why they think they are like that person.

2.  Who represents God in this story?

End with a prayer:  Thank you God for the gifts of forgiveness and love.  Thank you Jesus for the wonderful parables you have shared with us in the Bible - stories that help us understand God's love for us.  Help us to learn from our mistakes as the prodigal son learned from his.  In Jesus' name.  Amen


  1. PIGS for Game Pieces
    Use a battery-operated pig. A hoot in Drama and for Games.
    mr bacon pig 10 inch tall
    Do an internet search for "battery operated toy pig" or "Mr. Bacon Pig".  They come in two sizes 5" & 10".  I have the 10" and the kids love them!

    They come in different colours, mine are pink and when you press the button at the end of a cord the pig moves forward a few steps, stops, wiggles his tail and oinks.

  2. Jeopardy Question Card Holder - I use the teacher chart called "Original Pocket Chart - Yellow).

  3. Game questions from “The Prodigal Son Antioch Arcade Games.” 2006. Web.

List of Attachments:

  • Questions/Answers Sheet - for the teacher.
  • Questions & Headers:  these are set-up to print on "Avery - Name Badge Inserts # 05392 (4 x 3 inch)". These are perforated - so it's quick and easy.
    Note:  You will need the Question/Answer Sheet - in order to put your questions in the correct order, under the correct heading - before applying the points they are worth on the back.  Then write on the question side # A: 1 thru 7, B: 1 thru 7, etc.
  • Front and Backs: these are set-up to be printed onto regular mail labels - "Avery White Mailing Labels #5160 or #8160 (1" x 2 5/8").
    These give the $ amounts $100 - $200 - etc. that you just stick on back of the questions.

A lesson written for Hampton United Church by Luanne Payne

Photo: Bible Jeopardy, Property of Hampton United Church.

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


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