More links to Lent-related stories and topics here at
Prayer Resources, lesson Ideas for Prayer/Praying, Praying the Labyrinth, and more can be found in the Teaching Prayer forum at
The importance of scripture: Jesus in the Wilderness
Public lesson forum | Writing Team Lesson Set
The importance of prayer: Jesus in Gethsemane
Public forum | Writing Team lessons
**The story of Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane often gets crowded-out of Holy Week lessons, but its subject matter is A-1 Lenten material: seeking God's will, praying for help. The ART Workshop "Stepping Stones" project in the Writing Team's Gethsemane lesson set is especially well-suited to be adapted as a Lenten program project. The Lord's Prayer ~ 7 creative lessons from our Writing Team!
- Matthew 6:5-13
How, Where, and Why do we pray? - What did Jesus teach us about prayer?