~ Using props/puppets you've created! ~
This topic began as "Black Light Theater Instructions" by Luanne and her friend Janice, but over time Luanne and others began to find creative ways to use blacklights (black light or uv lights) into different workshops (lessons) such as: art, games, drama, music/movement, puppet, science and storytelling, as well as, week night program and/or VBS (Vacation Bible School).
Please post your creative ideas for using blacklights below, but if it relates to a specific bible story please post in the related bible story forum. If the method you used can be used with multiple bible stories please post method below and link to story forum for how you used it for that specific story.
Below is a quick link Table of Contents, if you are looking for something specific it will help speed up your search.
Table of Contents
Click on any blue title for quick access!
Blacklight Drama/Theater
What is Black Light Theater
Reasons to use Black Light Drama
Preparing your Space (Stage or Classroom Set-up)
Creating your Stage Area
Stage Lighting
- What Are Black Lights
- How Do They Work
- Which Lights to Buy
- How Many Lights Do I Need For My Space?
- Diagram of Luanne's Stage Set-Up
How I Built Stands for 4 ft. Blacklight Fluorescent Light Fixture
- How to Build a Vertical Stand for Fluorescent Light Fixture
- How To Build a Horizontal Stand for Fluorescent Light Fixture
Telling the Story through Song
How to add a Simple Handhold to back of your props (Fir Tree example)
Dressing for Black Lights & Costume Suggestions
Classroom Times (or Rehearsal) Tips
Performance Tips
- Invite and Bulletin Board Announcement Ideas
Where to find Puppet Patterns or Blacklight Puppets
Video Taping & Picture Taking Blacklight Tips
Other ideas
How else can I use my Blacklights?
Over time Luanne, and others, found creative ways to use blacklights (black light or uv lights) in different workshops (lessons) such as: art, games, drama, music/movement, puppet, science and storytelling, as well as, week night program and/or VBS (Vacation Bible School).
Lesson and ideas that use Blacklight (all workshops)
Blacklight (Party) Ideas
How to Create a Blacklight Photobooth (Backdrop)
more ideas coming . . . . .