Blacklight Theater
Written by: Luanne Payne, Hampton U.C., Hampton, ON, Canada and Janice Loeb, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Lindsay, ON, Canada
Blacklight (Black Light) theater is a form of puppetry where fluorescent puppets/props are operated on a darkened stage lit only with ultraviolet lighting. The result? A visually glowing, magical show! This document describes using props to put on a captivating black light production that, I thought we needed to share - we guarantee, you will not be disappointed, if you too, see the LIGHT!
Definition: What is Black Light Theater
Black Light theater is a form of puppetry where the puppets are operated on a stage lit only with ultraviolet lighting (black, or sometimes call blue, fluorescent lights). The puppeteers perform dressed in black (head to toe) against a black background (walls and floor) . The ultraviolet light does not pick up the black so the puppeteers blend into the background becoming invisible to the naked eye. In turn the ultraviolet light causes the fluorescent colours of puppets (or props) to visually glow.
Words, puppets, and props as if by magic appear, disappear and move effortlessly about the stage. So for the audience they are captivated as the bible story or theme is portrayed musically and visually. The performance becomes truly magical.
Reasons To Use Black Light Drama
- Putting on a “Black Light Performance” is GREAT fun for the kids and CAPTIVATING for your audience!
- Fun way to retell the story!
- Everyone will want to participate (no one is intimidated as they are invisible)!
- Great way to promote your lesson by performing during or after church, to finish your rotation at the end of the month.
- With Black Light theater you can do things like: a whale swallowing Jonah, Jesus walking on water, do interpretative dance, be creative with music, etc .
- You can use props you've created, no expensive puppets required!
What inspired us to do blacklights?
I wanted to try Black Light Theatre after watching it for several years in a public school setting. I was friends with the 'producer' and the first year I attempted it she lent me the hoods and gave me tips for the props. Luanne gave me the suggestion of the "Walking on Water" song and it didn't take too much searching to find two more songs to fit with the Miracles theme. It was very exciting for the children who had never seen or performed in Black Light, so much so that they often ask when they can do it again. We had an absolutely packed room and many disappointed congregational members who missed it, so next time I would definitely schedule more than one performance!
Several years ago I watched another church youth group perform "Noah" using Black Lights. Two mouse puppets told their story, with musical numbers by Noah's family, and of course lots of animals, even a pair of gigantic giraffes and elephants. It was watching the reaction of each child and adult that sold me, they were mesmerized. But, that group had disbanded and I had no luck finding helpful information on the internet to do a low budget performance with professional-looking results. Then, Janice was an answer to prayer, when she said she was going to do black lights. When we did our Miracles Rotation this year she gladly loaned me all her props, black light bulbs, blackout fabric, and hoods. She shared everything she learned from her experience.