
Reply to "CREATIVE WAYS TO USE BLACKLIGHT in Theater or Lessons, Weeknight Programs and/or VBS"

Preparing your Space (Stage or Classroom Set-Up)

a) Stage Area

Term “Stage” - We will be using this term throughout.
Note: Stage represents an actual "stage" OR the "classroom area designated" as your stage. Directions are basically the same for either, and will be noted if different.

Walls - whatever area you are using you need to blacken both the back wall and two side walls of your stage area.

Stage Background Materials to Use:

Professionals use BLACK VELVET fabric. Apparently it is the least visible fabric under ultraviolet light.  We on the other hand will use what we can get our hands on!  So on a budget black plastic tarps work great and is what we recommend!  Janice used an old black pool cover that was large enough to cover the three sides of one end of a classroom to create her stage area.

Floor - (is optional), as long as it's not white or a neon color that will glow under the black lights taking away from the production.

Black cotton fabric works fine if

you need to cover your floor area. Double Sided Carpet Tape

  • To keep the fabric from shifting with the kids walking buy a roll of ”Two-Sided Carpet Tape” (Walmart). It has a blue liner that is silicone coated for easy unwind, excellent adhesive that leaves no residue. Works great!

Ceiling does not matter.

Pictured below:  Jaymie Derden, at State Street UMC, created an 8 foot square  stage area using a 12 X 20 ft black tarp  which they hung from their drop ceiling.

Black Tarp Hung from Ceiling

squeeze clip

In above picture, to hang the tarp from their drop ceiling grids they used 3" grid ceiling clips" (several sources -- search for "grid ceiling clips", other name used for them are "Metal Ceiling Squeeze Clips or Hooks').  See picture of one on the right.




b) What to do if you have floor to ceiling posts/ pipes in your stage area?Covering a Post in Stage Area

Janice had two steel posts (ceiling supports) that were in the front area of her only available stage space. In order to hide them, and also offer protection should anyone accidentily walk into them, she covered them in “Foam Pipe Wrap”, available in ½” or ¾” thickness, in 6 foot lengths. She laid 6 on the floor in a row, put dowels in them, ran black duct tape across top and bottom then wrapped it around the post (see picture “Footprints on the Water” below). The Foam Pipe Wrap - purchase anywhere plumbing supplies are carried and it’s cheap.

c) Preparing Rest of Room

  • The rest of the room must also be dark enough for the best effect!
  • Black out windows with black fabric, or black garbage bags.
  • Rooms outside of main room – that light may filter through to your room – cover windows simply by hanging garbage bags over windows with painters tape (so it does not remove your paint on the walls or doorposts).
  • During the performance all lights must be turned off.

    * When the performance space is dark, the puppeteer becomes invisible while everything else glows. Words, puppets, and props as if by magic appear, disappear and move effortlessly about the stage.

c) Audience Area

It is nice to have an area out from the front of your stage with a row(s) of chairs (cushions or if the room is carpeted they can simply sit on the floor), for students not performing where they can sit and be the audience until their turn.

It is also handy to use this area for everyone to sit as you discuss your plans with the kids and do any before or after bible study.


Images (4)
  • Double Sided Carpet Tape
  • Black Tarp Hung from Ceiling
  • Covering a Post in Stage Area
  • squeeze clip
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