Performance Tips
- Have your list of props and who's using them.
- Check and make sure you CD player works (spare one on hand is handy).
- You will need a minimum of two teachers. One or two to set-up props between performances and to fill in if anyone doesn’t show up. One to cue music.
- Have all the props pre-laid out on floor for first group.
- Have hoods, gloves, and black electrical tape on stage ready (tape to cover logos or strips on pants). Also have your extra black clothes in case anyone needs them.
- If you have a small space and want to perform for the congregation have two or more showings.
- Remind kids when they are gathering up their props and getting in place to be quiet (no talking).
- Wash Hoods after every practice and performance.
- As your audience arrives have the kids hand out “Glow in the Dark Bracelets” (Michaels’ stores have “Glow in the Dark Bracelets” by check-out counter -15 in a tube for $1.50 CDN. Or “Mini Glow In the Dark Tubes” Dollar Store or Party Store - on strings for around your neck. Kids performing can have one – after the performances.
Performance Invite
Janice’s children made invites using Scratch Paper and Styluses, they did this by gluing two papers back to back,
on the front it said:
The Sunday School Children from Grades 1 to presents
Black Light Theater
Date: -------
Immediately following the service downstairs.
on the back was this, pictured below.
Bulletin Board Idea
Again using scratch paper.