Videotaping Blacklight Performances Tips
After doing her first drama lesson using blacklights Jaymie had these words of wisdom for videotaping the students ...
- Have your video camera on a tripod, or place on a table, locate it in front of center stage.
- Test it to make sure you are not too close or too far away from the stage and that the kids will be centered in the video frame.
- Have a separate adult/helper monitoring the video camera. (I was busy leading the signs and didn't realize that the kids weren't centered in the video frame. Oops. Process not product, right?)
- Start the video camera! (Note: I was really nervous about how this would work, but it was mostly great. There is one place in the video, where the hands were blurry, but otherwise, it worked really well.)
Photography Tips
Rule #1: NO FLASH. If you don't turn your flash off, you will completely lose the glow that the blacklights create.
Rule #2: Slow your shutter speed. REALLY slow it down. Check to see if your camera as either a night time or fireworks setting, she says if your camera has it, use it.
Rule #3: Use a tripod. With the night time setting, some pictures may literally take a minute to expose, far too long to hold a camera still yourself.