Lesson and ideas that use Blacklight (all workshops)
Old Testament
- (WT) Story of Creation ~ a Glo-Science Workshop Lesson (link available to Supporting Members - become a Supporting Member today!)
Creative Ways to Read and Discuss the Bible with Children using clay idea by Neil MacQueen, adds the idea to use glow-in-the-dark play dough with blacklight here for the Seven Days of Creation.
- Writing on the Wall Skit, by Deborah Ward of Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene, has suggestions added by member Luanne Payne on how to use backlight for special effect is found here.
Blacklight Skit Ideas ...Hands and Feet of "God with us" These ideas were originally posted in our Lesson Flash Mob Project. Extra ideas were added to Sherry's (Mt. Zion Lutheran Church) original idea and consolidated they are found here.
- Retired member Puppetmaker shared idea of their use of blacklights inside their PV framed whale with fluorescent fish and sea stuff link.
- Rev Ron Shifley (Scotland UCC) used blacklights and glow in the dark markers inside their whale - check out their lesson "Prayer Inside the Belly of a Whale" link.
Joshua & Caleb
- Retired Member took Supporting Member's CathyWalz's ZONK game and adapted it by painting the point values on felt circles with Glow-in-the-Dark paint so that the numbers did not show though the lighter colors of felt. The children held the circles up to a blacklight to see what they had won. Great game.
Psalm 8
- (WT) Psalm 8 ~ "Look Up!" Drama Workshop--can be used with three different techniques, one being Blacklight (link available to Supporting Members - become a Supporting Member today!)
- Guest kbalbert shared her idea to use blacklights with the song "Here I Am Lord" using white gloves & motions. She lists a few tips for others on doing this link.
Jaymie Derden took the above idea and created a black light drama lesson, see it here.
New Testament
- Sherry shared in "Isaiah foretells the Messiah" an idea to do blacklight skits on Hands and Feet "God With Us" link.
- Luanne shared a YouTube link to a Christmas blacklight found on YouTube to the song "It's About The Cross" by Go Fish, sharing a list of props she created along with the lyrics indicating which words become your props.
Jesus Baptism
- Member ELCOC BLAST shared blacklight Baptism Drama - Water Came Down.
Jesus Calms the Storm
- Member ELCOC BLAST shared The World's Real Superhero-Jesus Calms the Storm Drama. This is a puppet drama which the children prepared and performed while they were studying the story of Calling the Disciples and Stilling the Storm. They incorporated blacklights only for the cardboard props for the superhero symbols.
Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers
- Member, CathyWalz, uses blacklight in one of the experiments in her "Science Workshop" link.
- Crucifixion: Long time member Jan includes a blacklight/glow-in-the-dark alternative idea for her Crucifixion Drama Workshop link.
- Resurrection: How to make an Easter Tomb "STONE" for black light that your kids can roll away! link
Ascension of Jesus
- Member ikinser has three Science Demonstrations about being witnesses, one of which uses blacklight to reveal the work and presence of God among us, idea found here.
- Writing Team's - Pentecost: Wind, Fire, Faith!: Movement and Music Workshop - our first workshop using blacklights! (link available to Supporting Members - become a Supporting Member today!)
Paul's Conversion
Supporting member ZBCC's "A Glowing Witness - Blacklight Art Gallery" lesson link.
Using black lights and glowing paints, students explore how Saul’s conversion changed him into a glowing witness for Christ. Students then create a glowing poster that delivers their own message about Jesus to others.
If you have used blacklights, please post your idea or lesson under the appropriate story forum, thanks!