Here are some craft/art butterfly suggestions to go along with a resurrection butterfly event:
Decorate a coffee filter with markers, lightly spray with water and the color spreads (they look like tie-dye). After they are dry, pinch/bunch up the filter in the middle so that it looks like wings and squish into a clothespin body. I like to put a magnet (the self-adhesive kind) on the back so they can be attached to the refrigerator (send home with an appropriate Bible verse card for it to hold to the fridge). You can add a pipe cleaner (chenille stem) antenna too.
From The Craft Train:
Butterfly paint squish art (great for younger children):
And more realistic butterfly painting for older students:
Lambsongs has a butterfly page with a butterfly song and a booklet with the song words and motions that you can print, and also other butterfly coloring sheets and booklets (especially for younger children). The page includes a link to this page where you can hear the song.