
Reply to "COMPLETE LESSON SET: "The Wise Still Seek Him" - from FUMC Ann Arbor, MI"

The Wise Still Seek Him

Music Workshop and Journaling Activity

Someone else wrote this workshop; because part of it is copyrighted material, I’m only going to provide what ideas were used. The usual Open, Dig, Reflect was followed. The Bible story was read and discussed to be sure kids had content.

Creative.Ideas.for.EpiphanyYounger kids (3rd grade and under) learned a song sung to the tune of “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.” Motions were made up for the E-I-E-I-O part. This song was called “The Magi Bowed Their Heads to Pray” by Jane K. Priewe and was from the book Creative Ideas for Epiphany. (Davidson, Linda S. (editor) Educational Ministries, Inc., 1991)

Older kids used a Syncopated Story to tell about the wise men’s journey. The leader says a line and the kids repeat it while maintaining a clapping rhythm. This idea is from the book Symbols of the Season: Exciting Epiphany Experiences by Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Jude Dennis Fournier. Educational Ministries, Inc. 1991. (Look for this out-of-print classic in your church or denominational resource library.)

As a part of our Music Workshop we use part of the time for what we call “Shepherd Time” when the Shepherds guide the kids in writing/drawing in their journals. That material is also included here.


  • Journals (the color of the journal matches the border on the class banner on the door)
  • Colored pencils, gel pens, markers
  • Coloring sheet with camel (for grades 1 –3); paper with wise men for older kids
  • Pictures of “gift” ideas for younger kids
  • Clipboards or lap desks

Dig-Journaling Reflection:

Gather everyone sitting in a circle on the rug. Introduce yourself and any other adults. Make sure everyone has a nametag. Pass out journals and writing/drawing supplies.

For 1st and 2nd and 3rd grades:
Pass out the prepared sheets. Offer lap desks.
[Note: the prepared sheet had a picture of a camel and the words "Imagine you are going on a trip across the desert with the Wise Men. Draw or write about a gift you can give Jesus."]

Ask: What are we learning about this month? (the wise men’s visit to Jesus)
Say: In the time we have left, you can work on this sheet for your Journal. Let’s look at what it says. Read the sheet to the kids. Show them the pictures of gift ideas. (Hint: when we use our gifts to help others we are giving gifts to Christ.) Have them draw (or write) what gift they can give Jesus.
[Note: the gift idea pictures were things like a watch, a clock, visiting someone who is sick in bed, kids singing, a Bible, a church, etc.]

For older kids:
Pass out the prepared sheets. Offer lap desks.
[Note: these prepared sheets had a picture of wise men on camels and the words "The wise men journeyed a long way to find the Messiah. How can we seek and find Jesus in our own lives?"]

Say: This month we are learning about the wise men’s visit to Jesus. The wise men traveled a long way, following a star and seeking the newborn king. In the time we have left, let’s write in our journals about how we can seek and find Jesus in our own lives.

Note: You may not have time to finish this activity. That’s ok. When the Music/Movement workshop starts clean up supplies. Load each student's page into their journal. Participate in the Music/Movement Workshop, following the leader’s direction.


End with a prayer.

Written for First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI

Copyright 2002 First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI.

Permission to copy materials granted for non-commercial use provided credit is given and all cited references remain with this material

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Images (1)
  • Creative.Ideas.for.Epiphany
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