
Reply to "Computer and Bible Skills & Games Workshop Lessons for Anointing of David"

Anointing of David

Software Lesson

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the Life of David  software Program from the Kid's Interactive Series.

Life of David has limited, but useful amounts of "Anointing of David" content. (It has a lot more on David and Goliath.) You'll be picking and choosing your way through that content with your students.

  The "Life of David" software program is now free to the supporting Members of, learn how!

Learn more about all 6 programs in this series.


In my "Anointing" lesson I'm going to have my kids focus on I Samuel 16:7 --which is what God tells Samuel just before he picks David.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Explore the software.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Life of David (Kid's Interactive Series)


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introductions:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Life of David CD content about the anointing

Bible Time Theater:  Samuel Anoints David  4 minute video clip.

Discover the Bible section:  Samuel Anoints David.

On the left side of the Discover the Bible Screen is an icon showing the anointing that jumps your students right to the 1 Sam 16 section of the scripture.  When you get to that section, you will FIRST have the kids LISTEN TO IT.  Then, have them click on study icons noted below. Here is a list of the study icons in that section which refer to the anointing of David. Those which don't refer to the anointing have been excluded from the list.

In 1 Samuel 16 through 26 section:

  • Do the Right Thing: How to see the real person, God looks at character.
  • Sticky Situation: God choses the unlikely candidate to be king.
  • Heroes and Villains: About David. About doing chores.

This screenshot shows the image taskbar in the Discover the Bible section.

You click on the traffic light to make the text talk (not seen in this pic), and the Bible icon to open the study notes associated with that page. The kids have to hunt around for them a little bit, which is fine.

Then finally...

In the Games section we will play the 1 Sam 16:7 memory verse .

We did a follow-up activity away from the computers that asked the question, "What does God's heart look like?"

The kids pasted images from magazines of "God's heart" into a collage. (It was a lot of  images representing good things they found.  We cut a large heart shape out of the center of the poster and hung it on a window so the light came through the heart.

Attached if the free Lesson Plan & Worksheet relating to Anointing of David content found in the Life of David software created by Sunday Software. Also provided is the full outline to the Life of David Software also created by Sunday Software and provided to

Disclaimer: The author of this lesson also sold the software mentioned and has been encouraged by the Rotation Board to post lessons. This is the only software which covers this story. You are welcome to post other software and lesson suggestions below.

A lesson written by Neil MacQueen from: Sunday Software
Venice, FL

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


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