Note: This lesson has some discussion activities that could be used with other types of lessons.
The Temptation of Jesus
Computer Workshop Lesson
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Uses the software programs- Life of Christ software and Let's Talk (Sunday Software)
It's common to find both of these programs in a Rotation Model computer lab because they both cover a lot of stories and lesson ideas. In fact, I thought up the idea for Let's Talk driving home from church one Sunday having JUST USED Life of Christ and wishing I had another program I could have used to FOLLOW UP and reflect on what we had learned. Let's Talk is that program
Let's Talk is now FREE to Supporting Members at Learn more. See video alternative below.
Life of Christ is also available again as a free download. Learn more.
You could substitute the Life of Christ software portion of this lesson with another type of presentation about Jesus' temptation, such as viewing the scene from the movie SON OF GOD (2016). This video can be viewed on your computer if you're online.
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 4: 1-11
"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture ahead of time.
- Install and preview the software on the computer(s) you will be teaching with.
Supplies List:
- Life of Christ software. Learn more.
- Let's Talk (Sunday Software) Learn more.
- A handful of candies
Place a handful of candies on the table without comment and watch what happens, then comment on what happened.
- Did anybody take any of the candies?
- Did anybody WANT to take one?
- Did anyone take more than one? (leaving fewer or none for others?)
- When you saw the candies, what went through your mind? (You were tempted to take them.)
- Why did some of you hesitate or not take a candy?
- How did it feel to be tempted? To see others give in to temptation? To give in to your desire?
Ask for the candies to be returned. (How did that feel?)
Explain that "temptation" is the thought and impulse to take what isn't yours and do what you know you should not do.
Explain that BEING tempted is a normal feeling. Giving into temptation can be a sin when we are tempted to do something wrong. Working to CONTROL those feelings and not give into them -- and confessing is what makes us followers of Jesus.
Ask: Do you think Jesus was ever tempted to do the wrong thing? (Yes, he was! he was human and God sent him into the world to experience everything that makes us human, such as, hunger, sadness, laughter, and yes, being tempted to do the wrong thing.)
Then, welcome your students and explain what they'll be doing and what you hope they will learn.
Software ~ Scripture Time:
STEP 1. Use Life of Christ Lesson #12, "Three Temptations" (Matthew 4:1-11)
This presentation presents the scripture. Summary: "Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness and what those temptations meant. How do you prepare yourself to fight off temptation?"
View the presentation together and take the six question quiz at the end of the presentation. Have them do the quiz again if they don't get them all right.
[At the end of this lesson you'll have the option to view Lesson 13 "New Wine out of Water" (John 2:1-11), the Wedding at Cana. WHY? I think it's a VERY INTERESTING counterpoint to the Temptation story. When being tempted to help himself, and change WHO he was obedient to, Jesus resisted. But when asked to turn water into wine by a concerned member/friend of the family FOR THE GUEST and FAMILY, Jesus performs the miracle!]
STEP 2: Play the "Temptation Excuses Game" using Let's Talk's "TALK NOW" module
After a brief discussion (below), the kids and you will be playing a game using Let's Talk software to give voice to the excuses people use to give in to temptation. Whatever the kids type, the animated character that they created will speak ALOUD from the computer. (It's like a fun way to get your kids to answer your questions!
Teach the kids the following concept about Identifying and Resisting Temptation
There are simple temptations, like being tempted to take a candy off the table before asking, or being tempted to say something mean when someone says something mean to you. These kinds of temptations often happen without thinking. We act on impulse or out of habit. With these simple temptations, we need to learn to THINK BEFORE WE SPEAK AND ACT. Count to Ten, etc.
But there are more complex and sinister temptations that we should be especially concerned with. And these are the "EXCUSE or LIE TEMPTATIONS" where we CONVINCE OURSELVES that it is okay or won't matter or "nobody is looking." For example:
- "I and tempted to take $10 from my mom's purse because I am a good kid and she won't miss it. Plus I've been helping her a lot lately." (What's the lie in this excuse?)
"I am tempted to avoid being seen in public with my friend because I know other kids don't like them." (What's the lie in this excuse?)
"I am tempted to skip going to church today because I'm tired from a sleepover, besides, I went last week." (What's the lie in this excuse?)
Jesus was tempted to think "I will make these stones into Bread because I'm hungry, and after all, I am the Messiah and I deserve good things." (What's the lie in this excuse?)
EXCUSE TEMPTATIONS are LIES you tell yourself and other people. But God wants us to be honest. In fact, "do not lie" is one of the Ten Commandments.
Giving into your temptations shows what you think of God and what you think about yourself. (How is that true?) When you sin, you are going against God's commands and deciding to be your own authority, your own god. Instead of following God, our sins make us turn our back on God and walk in our own way.
The Excuses Temptation Game:
The teacher will reveal the following temptation scenarios one at a time. The students will type into their Let's Talk "TALK NOW" screen their answer. They are to come up with a REASONABLE EXCUSE for giving into the temptation. (Notice how I have mixed the tempations we face, with those Jesus faced.)
1. Situation:
You are Jesus, you've been in the wilderness for days with little food, it would be okay to use your powers for yourself and turn a rock into some bread because...
2. Situation:
It's okay to hate a bad person because...
Reasonable Excuse:
3. Situation:
I need $10 to go to the movies but don't have the money, and I found $10 laying near a wallet, so I take it because....
Reasonable Excuse:
4. Situation:
Mom wants me to go with her to church this Sunday, but between school, sports and friends I'm pretty busy, so I resist going because....
Reasonable Excuse:
5. Situation:
It's okay to call somebody a jerk to their face and talk bad about them if...
Reasonable Excuse:
6. Situation:
It's okay for Jesus to use his powers to force everyone to believe in him because...
7. Situation:
If I were the Messiah, I would go to Washington DC and jump off the Capitol Building while being broadcast on CNN in order to win everyone over with this giant miracle, and that would be okay because...
Have the students type into the TALK NOW module of Let's Talk a plea-prayer to God to help them resist temptation, and be aware of when they are making EXCUSES. Play them back. -and Amen!