The SunScool Bible App for Kids has SEVERAL terrific presentations covering the Genesis 1 Story of Creation.
The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac! Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.
Here's a Snippet of's full Outline of the Bible App:
In the Beginning... - BibleTime
- A1-1 : God makes the world (L1, L2) God creates the world (L3) Creation (L4)
Genesis 1:1-31; Isaiah 45:18; Psalm 24:1-2; Colossians 1:15-16; - A1-2 : God makes animals and people (L1, L2), God creates man (L3) Completed (L4)
Genesis 1:27-31 - 2:1-9; Exodus 20:8-11; Psalm 103:14 - A1-3 : The first man and woman (L1, L2), Things Go Wrong (L3) The Coming of Sin (L4)
Genesis 2:14-19 - 3:1-7; Romans 5:12-14, 18-19 - A1-4 : God's world is spoiled (L1, L2), The Results of Sin (L4)
Genesis 3:7-24; Romans 5:12-21
This story is not included in Level 3.
A2-1 : Doing things God's way (L3) Cain and Abel (L4)
Genesis 4:1-16; Matthew 23:34-35
This story is not included in Levels 1 and 2.