The SunScool Bible App for Kids has quite a few interactive lessons that cover the story of Joseph. The story titles available and narration and activities change depending on the age level you select when you first enter the program.
Pictured: The story menu for Level 3. See details below.
In the Joseph section of the app's menu, Levels 1, 2, and 3 all have the following stories ((Level 3 is grades 2/3-5th):
- B6-1: The young dreamer
Genesis 37:1-11 - B6-2: The hated brother, Joseph sold into slavery
Genesis 37:12-36 - B6-3: The faithful prisoner, Joseph and Potiphar
Genesis 39:1-6, 19-23 - B6-4: The new leader, Joseph rewarded for interpreting dreams
Genesis 41:14-49 - B7-1: Joseph's brothers arrive, Spies (brothers) in Egypt, Joseph is put in charge of the food stores
Genesis 41:46-57 - B7-2: Benjamin and bad news
Genesis 44:18-34, 45:1-14 - B7-3: Forgiveness and good news, Joseph forgives his brothers
Genesis 44:18-34 - B7-4: Together in Egypt, Jacob and family resettle in Joseph's Egypt
Genesis 46:1-7
Level 4 for older kids and young teens has these four Joseph lessons (which you could easily supplement with Level 3 lessons as well).
- B7-1 : His teenage testing (Potiphar's wife)
Genesis 39:1-23, 40:1-23 - B7-2 : His palace promotion (Pharaoh's dreams interpreted)
Genesis 41:1-45 - B7-3 : His caring conduct (toward his brothers)
Genesis 41:47-57 - B7-4 : His full forgiveness
Genesis 44 & 45
The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac! Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.