Computer Lab - Pentecost Slideshow + Other Ideas
- create slideshow using pictures of events in your church family over past year (it’s a celebration, after all). Select pictures and load into a slideshow program. Tape the song from the music workshop. Run this song under your slideshow. If you copy this to a disk, you can play the slideshow at your Pentecost Party. Or if someone has a laptop, you could set up the laptop in your church hall and play the slideshow on it there.
- make invitations inviting people to your Pentecost Popcorn Party. Make these using a simple card maker program.
- test out this idea using the Let's Talk program (Sunday Software). In "Talk Now" mode, choose a different character at each machine to read the source text. Run all speakers at the same time. Will create one interpretation of the idea of ‘many tongues’ that goes with this story. (This might also work for 2-3 machines in Kid Pix 4 (or 3D.) In this case, noise is the object of the exercise! Let's Talk software is FREE to supporting members! Check it out.
- you could view the ‘Herod’ tour of Pathways thru Jerusalem (out of print, but left here for rotation churches who own it) to give the children a feel for what the city would have been like in the time of the Romans. Speculate on what you think the scene may have been like after getting more info from this CD.