Bongo Loves the Bible software (Sunday Software)

Bongo Loves the Bible software is now available for free
to the supporting members of Learn more.
Suggestions for decorating your "Computer Lab" when using Bongo
by member Luanne Payne
Decorate your computers as we did for our Books of the Bible rotation!
Details: The monkey on the yellow banana was from a bulletin board set called "Monkey Mischief," check party stores or school supplies sites for themes, such as: palm trees, jungle, or monkey. I also purchased inexpensive Hula Skirts from my local dollar store and cut the band on each so they could be hung from top shelf on our computer desks with thumb tacks. One of my desks did not have a shelf above the monitor, so I used a cardboard box to create one, by sitting my monitor inside the box. The back of the box was cut away, but I left a piece across the top, front side, to attach the Hula Skirt to, and sat some monkeys on top, do a search for "Religious Long Arm Stuffed Gorillas" (Oriental Trading) to find them.
See more photos below.