
Reply to "COOKING, COMPUTER Workshop lessons and ideas for The Woman At The Well"

The Woman at the Well

Computer Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the Life of Christ softare and Let's Talk software (Sunday Software).

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I used to not like this story for children, because the "many husbands" aspect turned me off. But then I came to realize that many of us have been taught the wrong idea about this woman. ...That there was a different reason she was being shunned. She couldn't have children. In those days, that would have been a huge burden for her, and quite possibly she and others believed she was being punished for some sin (similar to the paralyzed man in Mark 2).

Quite possibly she is now living in the household of a male relative who has taken her in, ...the "man who is not your husband." She didn't feel worthy or welcome to go to the well with the other women of the village in the morning when they would have gathered.

Further evidence that she was being shunned or was living an embarrassed life comes from the fact that she was able to go to people in the village and tell them about Jesus, and they didn't reject her. She was part of the village, but living with shame. Jesus freed her from being defined by those conventions, and indeed, she became a leading disciple.

On top of that...the story happens in Samaria! Many Jews avoided travel in Samaria because the Samaritans were considered to be of "mixed blood" and a rival group within Judaism. Their region was settled by Assyrian soldiers hundreds of years earlier, and for a time, the Jews there had developed their own version of Jerusalem, and their own traditions.

This is another remarkable story of Jesus' acceptance and empowerment of others, especially those who didn't think they mattered, in a place many thought he should not have been.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the story ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Explore the software.

Supply Software List:

  • Let's Talk
  • Life of Christ

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself. Explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they will learn.

Open with a prayer.

Dive into the Software

1—Start with Life of Christ: Lesson #14 –Jesus tells his story to a Lonely Woman.

It ends with these two questions and a quiz: Do you reject people who are loved by God? How do you introduce others to God? However in the next lesson step, we’re going to get personal just like Jesus did. He knew what the woman needed, and she wanted to change the subject.

2—Go to the Conversation Now/TALK NOW module in Let’s Talk.

YOU (the teacher/assistant) will take on the role of Jesus. The kids will use the Conversation/Talk Now module to respond to your questions. Stand in the center of the room and ask your question. Have the students type and playback their response.

Examples of Questions You/Jesus could ask:

  • Why are you sitting at the well in the noonday (hot) sun? Why didn't you come with the other women in the morning?
  • Why are you embarrassed that you can't have children?
  • How does it feel to be "shunned" by others?
  • What would you say to help a young child who was being excluded/shunned by their friends?
  • What went through your mind when you realized Jesus knew a lot about you?
  • How does it feel to know that the Messiah was willing to spend time with you, and talk about your problems?
  • What do you think Jesus meant when he said he wanted to give you "Living Water." What kind of water is that?
  • How and Where can you can get this living water?
  • What did you tell your towns-people about Jesus that convinced them that HE was the Messiah?
  • You went from being shunned and ashamed, to becoming a leading disciple in that region. What does that tell you about the kind of people that God calls to be his disciples?
  • Who are the people today that get shunned or feel like they of lesser worth: in school, in your neighborhood, in the community.... world.
  • What can you tell someone who didn't think they were worth anything, were depressed about their life, or being shunned by others?


End with a prayer.

A lesson written by Neil MacQueen

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