Cooking Idea: Crown of Thorns recipe
Posted by member Karen N.
I found this project on a homeschool site and thought it might adapt well to rotation. The size of the crown this recipe makes is at least life-size, so I'm sure the amount needed for an individual child would be much less. I also wonder if the actual crown could be made during class then taken home to bake... that would make it more adaptable to a church setting, too.
Crown of Thorns recipe:
- 4 cups of flour/ 1 cup of salt.
- Mix enough water to make a stiff dough-clay.
- Roll 3 long ropes, loosely braid them.
- Form braid into a circle and stick toothpicks (which represents the thorns) loosely in it throughout the entire crown.
- Bake at 350 for an hour or until it is dry and light brown.
- For each sacrifice that a child (or adult) makes/does he takes out a "thorn."
- This is a good time to explain to the child that sin brings additional pain on Jesus' suffering and good works can comfort Him and show our love for Him.
- The goal should be to remove all "thorns" from the crown by Easter.
- Once the thorns are removed, glue brightly colored beads where the thorns once were and if you'd like paint the crown.
- This makes a beautiful Easter Sunday center piece with a great story to share with your guests.